P92315 link reply
>Few people would want to rent out under those circumstances.

The rental industry is a racket, it's a service you have to pay for because landlords ran a racket to suppress housing building projects and lobbied for illegal immigration. They engineered the circumstances to force millions of people to pay for their service.

Short term housing is called a hotel, there's never been any economic reason for residential rental properties. It was a market that was created out of nothing to force people to pay people that bought up houses they didn't intend to live in for the purpose of grifting the population.

It's basically like if someone bought up all the shoes, shut down shoe production, and then rented their shoes out for $500 a week to rob the country with a racketeering scheme.

There's only a rental market demand because racketeers worked with criminals in law enforcement to wreck the USA's economy in their favor.

>Originally and often still specifically, racketeering may refer to an organized criminal act in which the perpetrators offer a service that will not be put into effect, offer a service to solve a nonexistent problem, or offer a service that solves a problem that would not exist without the racket.

Moved from /misc/91666
P92316 Warren Buffet is tap dancing to work with Christopher Wray, making billions on housing rackets! link reply
Would the rental markets exist without landlords manipulating markets and lobbying governments for policies that make rentals necessary?

If you remove the loans and rentals, the cost of housing drops, there's no one buying up houses they don't intend to live in, there's no one lobbying against projects to build more houses basically, and suddenly no one needs the rental services.

The rental market exists because landlords are organized crime, they're racketeers.
Moved from /misc/91666
P92318 link reply
They're organized crime, racketeers, robbing the entire country because they've hired pedophile child sex traffickers to run the law enforcement agencies that are supposed to arrest them. Now, instead of arresting the criminals, the law enforcement arrest the American public when they protest or take action to remove them.
Moved from /misc/91666
P92321 link reply
They're all real estate moghuls that printing out money to capture the entire economy with housing rackets and which orchestrate a network of blackmailed pedophiles placed in politics and law enforcement.

We need an economic national defense force that assassinates the racketeering bloodlines so they can't game the court system and get out of it. Their kids are psychopaths, mentally disabled wretches, that need to be killed too or the rackets will not stop.
Moved from /misc/91666
P92322 link reply
The admin deleted my posts. You've just participated in the USA rackets, you meet the legal definition of an accomplice.

You're a criminal.
Moved from /misc/91666
P92323 link reply
Burn the racketeers and their accomplices, and all their offspring alive.
Moved from /misc/91666
P92324 link reply
If you won't kill the racketeering bloodlines, and all their children.

Then everyone here is going to have to die soon.

You aren't special, this whole world can end because of the injustice of letting these rotten scum and their scum offspring live.
Moved from /misc/91666
P92325 link reply
>landlords ran a racket to suppress housing building projects
What? No they didn't. I've had alot of landlords. Most were OK, one was a slumlord, the rest were good.

>Short term housing is called a hotel
Why would I want to live in a hotel? That's like a one room shipping container. I'm not eating the bugs, either, comrade.

Finally, the left wrecked the economy. A bag of dry beans (Goya pinto) was $0.99 under Trump. Now the same bag is $3.