P: 1,
I have compiled a large assortment of files into one archive with the intent of actually helping people resist evil, however you might define it.

>the ideas and contents contained within are specifically designed to maintain personal security and safety, NOT recommendations of how to commit any illegal activities.

archive.today link (javascript required for captcha)
archive.org link (javascript not required)
If these links fail, I will reupload the archive if possible. Recommendations for other TOR-friendly hosting sites are highly appreciated.

The archive is split into 3 parts:
full_stack_terror_v1_main.7z (410MB) -Contains the bulk of the most useful information, if you only want to download 1 archive, this is the one.
full_stack_terror_v1_doxxes_and_intel.7z (655MB) -Contains a very large amount of intel relating to people in power, who work for them, the organizations they represent, and many useful maps.
full_stack_terror_v1_TOP SECRET FILES COLLECTION PDF.zip (562MB) -Miscellaneous folder of leaked/unredacted files I considered useful enough to include, completely stolen from another person's archive.org page.

It is highly recommended to read the README.txt included in the parent folder (and potentially this post if it allows me) in order to avoid being potentially targeted by law enforcement.

>destabilization and sabotage of local and nation-wide infrastructure and governmental organization
>evading digital & physical surveillance and capture
>dietary and physical training regiments for health & hormone optimization
>going "off-grid", living rurally
>cutting all ties to debt and taxes, creating offshore bank accounts, anonymizing transactions
>legitimate and illegitimate methods of obtaining foreign citizenship and a new identity
>effective organization of groups of like-minded individuals for resistance activity
>weapons manufacturing and procurement
>understanding who your enemies are, and naming them
>understanding how to legitimately harm your enemies and/or prevent them from succeeding in their goals
>understanding how to enable others to do the same

>"The Known Vulnerabilities Of The United States Of America Version 15" (TKVOTUSA 15) (personally recommended, highly informative)
>the full list of names and personal information of employees and notable individuals working at the FBI, CIA, MOSSAD, NSA, DHS and Mindgeek, US politicians, UK politicians, many social media billionaires, all people of note relating to 9/11 and its subsequent investigations, and generally assumed "global elites"
>the unredacted list of individuals mentioned inside Jeffery Epstein's "little black book" with phone numbers included, the full list of all individuals recorded as having travelled to Little Saint James, as well as the entire history of court documents and events relating to his trial and death
>"The Essential Underground Handbook" (concepts and tutorials for escaping taxes, changing identity and nationality, safely storing money, and creating safe "drop" locations for packages)
>"Combat Conditioning" & "Guerilla Cardio" (concepts and tutorials for maintaining optimum physical performance)
>"The Mini-Manual Of The Clandestine Cell" (concepts and tutorials for overall resistance group organization)
>a few books relating to philosophy and concepts I subjectively think are interesting or useful
>many memes and short infographics that effectively communicate many known "red-pilled" & "based" ideas (you can skip these if you want, many of them are highly offensive and useless, but some are still worth considering)

I very much plan to include more information in the near future, but I feel like it is necessary to spread the ideas contained within as soon as possible.

>information regarding first aid, sanitation, and farming
>information regarding more detailed at-home firearms manufacturing for those who cannot access them
>information regarding cybersecurity "red-teaming" and penetration testing
>redpills relating to religion, a definitive guide of how to not be a "Christcuck" and instead take a more proactive approach to Christianity for the benefit of your people against (((those who have corrupted the teachings of the Bible)))

P: 19,
P: 4,
A BIG grand opening of /news/
Now LambdaChan (or NanoChan?) users can talk about the current affairs here.

1. What are the best qualities of your writing style?
2. How would you improve our new /news/ subChan?
3. Would you consider using /news/ to fight against the government's misinformation?
P: 1,
I want to murder more niggers
P: 5,
Sorry, I'm gay
P: 1,
>Denpa! I missed you
>Yay, progress. Good for you!
>I hate you. Stop vanishing for weeks repeatedly, it just makes people (and me) more obsessed with you. Bloody bipolar bastards.
P: 1,

Muh, deprecated board...
P: 5,
Don't apologize to cancer that we ought to kill, or he ought to kill himself.
P: 6,
The promotion of mediocrity.
Hypothetically, what would happen if you changed the laws of a country to advance the very least fit members to positions of decision making and wealth?

Because the laws of a country can be anything, you can make laws that say that people have to wear shoes on their hands, you could make laws to advance the least fit members of a civilization.

So what would happen if you did that?

What if you made laws to cap the IQ of people in law enforcement and intelligence work?

What if you made economic laws to transfer the wealth to the least productive and psychopathic individuals by legalizing rackets for non-productive people that are so ethically wrong that only a psychopath would "invest" in them?

What would happen when you put idiots in charge of government and psychopathic leeches in charge of managing the economy's resources?

Do you think the idiots and psychopaths that profited and advanced because of warped laws like that would allow anyone to change things until everyone was dead when it means they would have to admit they were inferior people, lose their ability to boss people better than them around, and lose their ability to make a living? Or would they keep fucking everything up until everyone was dead, always attributing the problems they created to something else?

And what would happen to the smart and ethical people in a civilization like that where people that would otherwise be incapable of surviving are promoted to positions of power and wealth? They'd die out because of the laws, wouldn't they.

You can make bad laws in a country to destroy the people that actually kept it going and completely obliterate both the civilization and the people so it can never recover and the mediocre people that were promoted won't see a problem with it while they terrorize people that say it's wrong and unsustainable.
P: 2,
The way for a person to survive that has planned for the apocalypse is to stock up and make fake signs.
"Food, water, medicine, this way." signs will make it possible to direct the people that didn't make any preparations to another city where they can die while making the journey.

What you want to do is prepare signs in advance that say two things, that help is coming and that a refugee center is in the next city. These signs can point people in various directions and the goal is to either direct them into an area they will die or keep them perpetually wandering instead of attacking people for food and stuff.

You can make a general big professional sign pre-collapse that says "Refugee center this way! Looters will be denied aid, aerial surveillance is in effect." then glue a map of the area to it with a route drawn to the supposed destination from the spot you place it.

People can travel 20 miles a day walking with food and water. But how long people can go without water varies with conditions.
P: 1,
P: 3,
channel 14 is da way to go
P: 2,
P: 1,
>muh picrel
P: 7,
All the Western intelligence agencies need are clear guidelines for what represents a national security threat and authorization for cells to take independent action without disclosure to their superiors.

If someone is obstructing the communications of members of Western nations without a court order, they're a national security threat because they can potentially undermine the ability for the Western nations to organize against threats and make decisions that are in Western interests.

Anti-Whites are not members of Western nations because they lost their membership in the West by advocating for and assisting in transferring territory, institutional power (including through granting citizenship and voting rights to non-Westerners), and tech to rival nations.

It is not an offense against the Western nations to obstruct anti-White communications, since it doesn't interfere with the Western nations' decision making processes. We have no obligation to protect the communications of people that are not members of the Western nations and anti-Whites are not members of our nations.

Those are pretty clear guidelines that will serve the Western intelligence agencies well in their national defense objectives, I think.

Why not give these guidelines and an order to clean house to a competent cell with 4 billion USD in funding and no orders to report back to their superiors, then shred all their records except their legal immunity to prosecution? 4 billion in initial funding with careful financial management can keep a cell operating for decades, carrying out orders independently and hiring and training new people.

If I was going to make one of these private contractor cells, I'd probably give them a wider scope of operations and integrate them into other operations to ensure their new employees get legal immunity too and the existing regime can't get rid of them without getting rid of other operations they're dependent on.

There's also the ability for one of these autonomous cells to take other over autonomous cells to enforce their directives through larger networks.

You make one of these cells with a broad Western national security guideline, integrate them into something like drug trafficking operations, then they remove everyone from the drug trafficking networks that poses a threat to Western national security, then the whole drug trafficking apparatus becomes a weapon for national security.
P: 2,
P: 11,
P: 1,

i8BZr .MB0
:0BM7 .BB7
:XBM7 .ZB2
7MB . BB
.BB: :r. 0X . MB
XBr :2MBBi.B7 2X7. 8B
BB .MBBBB2 M: :0X. 0M
BM XXrBB2.i7M .Br MB
BB .B ::.. ... M . BB .
.MB 7B :X22 M . B8
2B7 27 7B Br :0 . B:
2BB. M7 iBBXi 70. .Si :SrX0 i7 . 2B
:M0 SX 78B0 7 7iM7 2: i7M: B77 B
BB :07 BB: 0X.B. :iBB i2 . B 7BB iB
B iB iBr 7Z 2MBSXMMi:.BBBB0 B :BMB8 8B
BM M7 7B: .BBB 7BZ2 :: . :X SZ:iX . BM
. .XBB. M7 :BB7r. :r.:77::. : : 72r. B rB
.BB2. MS :2SBBBBZMBMB8M0ZZM: . : .7272 BB
.M7 22 :B .7BB . .M
iB7 BB7 8B . B:
:MBB: .0B2 XBBrii. B2
: 780MMBX BBZ2i
ZBB7. i20BB. 7MBX
2222: :: iZMBBBBM27 XB
. :2B. 70277 0
P: 11,
P: 1,
goys is made out of goys
P: 2,
faggo[spoile:reddi]t spacing... pleaze go back to [bold: r/twinks] [spoiler: https://teddit.net/r/twinks]
P: 1,
>>wasted money on video games that you don't actually own
P: 1,
Does anyone actually have AZOV battalion documents?
Like, do you have the originals and the English translations of educational and propaganda material for the supposedly White Nationalist group?

What would happen if that was used to trigger anti-Whites on social media? Would they be deplatformed across the board for undermining the NATO war effort?

So the White Nationalists know that it's not rational for AZOV to support a Jewish president and elite that transferred all the wealth to Israelis and then rented back the country to Ukrainians and it's not rational that the AZOV group was targeting Donbas Whites for opposing Jews buying up everything in their territory with loans and then renting it back.

But the anti-White in the NATO states don't know about these things and causing them to start undermining manufactured support for the the current Ukrainian regime and be deplatformed as a result, it would also demoralize them heavily and could force the media to take a pro-White stance in defense of AZOV.

I'm just wondering if anyone has these documents that of AZOV that are supposedly White Nationalist. Maybe just pictures of them with swastikas and stuff would be adequate.

If it is rhetoric that aligns with White Nationalist values, then would the social media companies delete it?
P: 12,
P: 11,
archive link with opsec guides (in polish, you can use https://translate.google.com/m to translate without javascript), learn offensive cybersecurity and remaining completely anonymous, 100% Tor

-gmail bomb threats
-general opsec guide, scam guide, sms-activate
-Whonix guide, Windows Whonix, 911.re socks proxy (now 922proxy.com, RIP 911.re), XMPP, disc encryption

this is the guide you wish you ever had but no one provided you
P: 1,
What are the implications of extra duh-mensional beings radically changing the globe to disrupt bad governments?
You know, it was the norm in the ancient world for deities to pick a city or vice versa and provide it with laws to create good civilizations and then threaten to wipe them out or wipe them out when they broke them, depending on the severity.

One of the major laws was no multiracialism or multinationalism. That was a massive taboo broken by the Romans and Egyptians and they all were wiped out because of it. Nothing a deity could do to them was worse than what they did to themselves, since they doomed their offspring through outbreeding depression and continuously replaced them with rival nations, dying off and leaving their countries as booby traps for humanity. But now people are trying to do that to the whole world and have genocided most of the White population, it obviously requires a big shake up of the existing governments and culture of them making backroom deals with each other through "globalists" to rob nations and genocide them with malicious policies.

You literally need to test whether or not ethnic fusions are biologically possible for 3 centuries to see if their offspring die out. If you do multiracialism on a massive scale like the NATO states have, everyone there just dies out from outbreeding depression, leaving only the newest immigrants that don't mix with the population to take over the country, often not even realizing everyone that used to live there had their families die out completely and adopting their culture. Try explaining that to some primitive people defending their state ideology with terrorism, oh wait that's exactly the situation in the NATO states right now.
P: 3,
>compiling python from source
P: 1,
This isn't a pony forum. We do not post ponies.
P: 3,
Nothing like torturing a corrupt cop that was working for Israelis.
Then driving to their house and killing their family.

It makes you feel like you're doing god's work to shoot up a foreign agent family that infiltrated US law enforcement kick their corpses.

P: 2,
>dis n dat glows cus dis n dat
>loool didnt run.exe it glows
>loool didnt open page it glows
>loool didnt read book it glows
>loool didnt upvote it glows
>loool didnt put my plaintext mail on this host it glows
>everything he thinks glows is 100% predictable
>can just make one that doesn't "glow" in 5 minutes by choosing !(set_of_things_that_glow) and he will fall for it
P: 1,
P14513 a baboon really is a baboon
P: 1,
P: 3,
>How fail safe are fail safe

Fail-safe really are fail-safe confirmed!
P: 1,
P13960 a lane really is a lane
P: 4,

Or you could find like minded people and create your own isolationist society.

1. Create your own community with secure communication and in-group preference.

2. Vacuum up all the technology of the civilizations that are stupid enough to share it.

3. Develop your own tech in secret and don't share, keeping your group's advantage for itself and growing as the technological advantage becomes economic advantage.

4. Wait for mullatopia to collapse under the weight of its own incompetence as you recruit the remaining Whites, screening them for anti-White positions and putting them through loyalty tests.

5. Eugenics seals the deal as your people become infinitely more intelligent than the rest of the world and become their own species. After 1000 years, you're speciated and it's not even possible for your people to intermarry with the rest of the human population. You can now send your rejects to other parts of the world claiming to uplift them, knowing that their offspring will wipe out the other nations around the globe as they produce genomically incompatible mutts that will reproduce for a few generations and then take out all the families that intermarried with them. Your people are now a biological weapon and as long as you keep several million reproducing with only each other, you win the game of globalism.
P: 1,
artistic really is artistic....
P: 5,
Look, ever since the teacher in shop class explained how toilets worked, I've been holding back the liquid shit in my rectum as if my intestines were a sewer and there was a wall of live and dead rats making a seal at the drain.
P: 1,
ItsBegger Sliker
I Iraqi inbred who loves black cock and scamming people

Please visit:
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I live with sister who I sex everyday she is <redacted, sha256=251cb91d8347331d6e94c8ab20065ae1b3785a5ac09c9302de6adea933fef4b1>

You will see where live there is Mercedes outside
P: 1,
it's really Alpine Linux because it's Alpine Linux
P: 6,
Yes, I am behind Waterwall and I can upload a picture of my girlfriend in two seconds. He's very handsome indeed.
P: 1,
What do we want?
More fleas! And where are they? IN THE SEWERS!!!
P: 2,

ir7i: .:7r.
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>8kun shill
>installs the app anyways
P: 4,
Need Fact Checks on the (((Suggestions))) ITT
P: 1,
>By the way, I'm amazed that this thread is still on /math/. Is the admin fucking her cat now?
The thread really is the thread.

If this post has been moved to trash, this implies that the Admin is back...
P: 5,
Invidious really is invidious

P: 3,
Does anyone else like cleanup duty?
There's something so refreshing when you've finished getting rid of corpses and you're in the shower with your clothes in the wash.

If they're old corpses it really is an unpleasant ordeal and it takes at least a day until you feel like the stink has gone away, but doesn't it make you feel good knowing all those rotting bodies are disposed of and no one's going to accidently step in them later and scream in horror?

I always tell people, "if you're going to do this sort of thing you have to try to remember to cut off their clothes". If you can't spend 30 seconds with a pair of scissors cutting the pants and shirt off a fresh corpse, why should I have to spend 20 minutes trying to get clothes off an old corpse with bits of rancid fat and skin flying off into my face?

Cut off the clothes and put them outside on the ground, then picking up their bones later is a breeze. Nothing is worse than a fat corpse spring loaded in a pair of jeans, let me tell you that. It's like stabbing a sausage with a fork except it's full of rancid fat that would make a vulture vommit. Shoes off, clothes off, and leave them on bare ground, please.

But yes, I do enjoy it. There is nothing like lighting the match on a bonfire with a couple dozen corpses stacked up between the wood and pulling off your plastic body suit and tossing it in the flames and feeling the cool rush of fresh air before driving home for a shower.
P: 1,

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VXYuvvvLurJsususuSYsJvVILLsLYvJBv iiv
ZYjuvvvvvvirLYvLvvvsrvkuvLvvvLrYBU iir
grjsvvvvvUgBrJuvvvYPVLvrvvYrrvLrvBP iiv
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iULvvvvRrYvkrUJvrssvvvrSYvvvvYivvLvYi iii
iPPvvuLBvirrvvvrubsrvvrUUrvvLrvrrvYJi iri
BQKsIvVIVdDqvrvvvrIvSLvuIvPvvrrVJiiiJi ir
qQrrvvLrJkJrKQkiPXbYvLiiXMBvuvrSiYBsivv iv
vBvrvvvvvrvqkivBYrLJBBBSUBBQivLrIiBBBrrv ir
BurvvvrvVIrvPuiYBXvriZQvIBKiivvviksbrIvLi iiii
rivvvidQdsvvvPUivKPdbIdQPVqZIirriiLLvuvYv iiii

>>melted brainlet.txt
P: 1,

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BGrrsssssssrrrsssssrGGrrsisB9irrrrirMMB 5BGX:sssssssiri5M 2X: Bs:sr, ,,,,:rr
sirsssssssrr2BBBssrsrG9rrsrsBBG9SsrsrS29G922srirrsssssi:i99s:, Bsrss: ,,,,,,
>ackchuaylly its retard wojack cus dis and dat
P: 6,
I don't know, ye breddy Welsh.
P: 1,

i8BZr .MB0
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:XBM7 .ZB2
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.BB2. MS :2SBBBBZMBMB8M0ZZM: . : .7272 BB
.M7 22 :B .7BB . .M
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: 780MMBX BBZ2i
ZBB7. i20BB. 7MBX
2222: :: iZMBBBBM27 XB
. :2B. 70277 0

>cumming again...
P: 4,
Remember the good old days when we could use childen to sweep chimnies for just a shilling? and if ye are going back (like 6 - 10 years?) we can buy niggers to grow crops, for us, while we sitting in the Chair drinking the finest glass of wine.
P: 7,
Why doesn't the USA just start buying oil from Russia and cut out Saudi Arabia and the Middle East?
The politicians keep talking about ending dependence on Saudi Arabia, so is it practical to do that?

Does Russsia produce enough oil to replace Saudi Arabia?

It's stupid to include Semites in anything, they are the enemies of the Western people for as long as history has been recorded and they seem to have never given up on genociding Whites, not for 5 thousand years. So why is the USA funding them if there are other options?

Oil is all over the globe, like almost everywhere, the Western states have the technology to extract that oil.

One question that has to be asked is why the Western states ever paid for Saudi Arabian oil. Saudi Arabia used to be just the Arabia and it had no government, but just wandering tribes. The Western states could have annexed the territory to the oil was on and just paid the Arabs with boxes of crackers and camel saddles. Why did the Western governments treat the Arabians like they were equals, as if they had an army to defend the territory, and as if they had the technological ability to do anything with the oil without Whites?

Now some primitives are dictating the economies of the Western world and all the Western countries are dumbfounded by the complication when they could still, to this day, just take over Arabia's oil sites or just do business with other Western states so they're not dependent.

I'm curious what the next saboteurial attempt to make Western economies dependent on enemy nations the globalists will create. Is the next power source the West will be dependent on biofuel from strictly fruit grown in the Congo? Will all internet transactions be secured with unique hashes of Mexicans singing La Cucaracha and world financing will be entirely dependent on Mexicans? Why are literal camel racers put in a position, and they're entirely propped up by the Western states, of controlling the world's transporation power?

Germany should leave NATO and make a defense pact with Russia. The NATO states are batshit and at least half of their politicians are working directly for enemy nations to genocide Whites and sabotage Western economies.

>Tomyris herself led the Massagetaean army into war, and, during the next battle opposing the Massagetae to the forces of Cyrus, Tomyris defeated the Persians and destroyed most of their army. Cyrus himself was killed in the battle, and Tomyris found his corpse, severed his head and shoved it in a bag filled with blood while telling Cyrus, "Drink your fill of blood!"
P: 1,
>i'll join an irc

Ye are becoming a vegan! Are ye out of thine mind?
P: 1,
The box really is the box
P: 1,
P13472 I don't get it, why are people trying to "cloak" their IP address?
P: 1,
The irony really is irony here.

By the way, the soymin is jew.
P: 1,
Freemasonry and what it has become.

It's not good enough.

One non-White or anti-White in a lodge means everyone that joined before them should be killed, since they all voted to include that person, unless the rules have changed.

One case of a Freemason from a lodge harming a good White person through rackets, and every member of the lodge that voted them in should be killed.

Freemasonry wasn't created to be a problem for the people of the Western countries, it was created to liberate them from exploitative, foreign, and genocidal regimes. But they aren't doing that anymore, so go lodge by lodge, if they have one foreigner or one anti-White and they should all be killed.

Instead of eliminating malicious foreign groups, the Freemasons collaborated with them in genociding the White population and opened all the doors to all the foreign soft power campaigns.

It would be very easy for most of the lodges to kill off the anti-White and foreign members.

All the banks in the Western world should be directing all funds into the White population. Jews should be totally cut off from capital and forced out of everything along with all the other non-White groups. When the transfer of Western assets to good Whites is done, the banks should be dissolved and private loans with interest banned.

What the USA has done through policy is genocide the White population through wealth, territorial, institutional, and tech transfers.

Everyone that participated in it is going down in history as White-genocide collaborators and their descendants will be the enemies of the Western people for all time. If you can't offer a new country to the good Whites exclusively or offer enough lives of the enemies of the good White population to make up for the entire blood debt of the White-genocide collaborators, which is over 100 million bloodlines, then all your descendants have to be murdered and tortured as much as is practical to make up for it.

The Western nations are going to survive if anyone is going to survive, but if you or your ancestors played a role in the White-genocide policies of this era at all and you haven't exonerated yourself in some way, then you and your descendants will not be part of it and will be hunted down and killed by the Western military, intelligence, and law enforcement.

When it comes to collaborating to genocide the Western people, our enemies descendants are all as guilty as their guilty ancestors, they inherit their guilt. Membership in a nation is something that is inherited, if you have collaborated to genocide the Western people all your descendants are not members of Western nations, we have no obligation to protect them, and we have an obligation to the people you helped genocide to murder your descendants in the most horrific ways possible, to avenge those lost.

If there is a single non-White in a Freemasonry lodge, if there is a single anti-White in a Freemasonry lodge, then everyone in that lodge should be considered a White-genocide collaborator, since they could have easily removed the anti-Whites and foreigners, or just not admitted them in the first place.

The Freemasonry lodges in the USA have become a source of White-genocide collaborators, they have pushed multinationalism, they have pushed for foreign immigration, they have taken over many of the religious institutions and used them to push anti-White rhetoric and framed transferring Western territory, institutional power, and tech to enemy nations as a moral good when they were clearly an abject evil and White-genocide collaboration.

There is no globalization, China is an ethnostate, Israel is an ethnostate, Mexico is an ethnostate, Saudi Arabia is an ethnostate, most of the countries in the world are ethnostates. People within your organizations have been using the promise of a global world order with you at the top to justify selling out and conspiring against the Western people; but the rest of the nations don't feel that way and you can see clearly that none of the world is preparing for a global community; it's just you, genociding the Western people because you're dumb or psychopathic. Race mixing results in growing recombination failure from incompatible conserved gene locations on chromosomes, reproductive failure; you have only worked to doom the White population by flooding them with other nationalities where the mixed race offspring can contaminate the White bloodlines and cause them to die out completely, a hybridization of all the races is not biologically possible.

All Western institutions should be serving the Western people's interests, and that includes the Freemasonry lodges. So clean up your acts and covertly assassinate the anti-Whites and foreign nationals in your organizations. The mere presence of a single non-White prevents a lodge from even acknowledging the threat of foreign nations, many of which want to genocide Whites and take what they have, since the non-White could be an informant for an enemy nation. You can see how that would totally cripple Freemasonry's decision making processes, right? So clean it up and make the lodges functional again.

I've heard Freemasons in the USA have stripped out virtually all their previous teaching materials to replace them with White-genocide supporting ones and only a semblance of Freemasonry's original structure remains. If Freemasonry is going to function as an anti-White organization, then it's going to have to be treated like one. There is no nationless global order, that's all a load of bullshit made up by foreign agents to trick idiots like you into helping genocide your own nation. Get your shit together. If you're not pro-White and you're in Western countries, then you're a threat to all the White people and should be covertly killed with your kids. It's just common sense.
P: 6,
the problem is you exist but you shouldn't
P: 2,
MATH is ...
Masturbation with Animegirls To Hype! Hey admin, STOP such a thing and don't move this thread to other places. Didn't your mom teach you even that? Yes, It's me. I'm your mom! :)

Note: the posts in /math/ have too low quality to read. The creator cannot create things more than its intellect. You are a masturbation-loving, self-absorbed person who needs someone to post quality, intelligent posts. Like me!
P: 2,
Unironically, every government should send assassin's to kill members of the World Economic Forum now
What they are advocating for is biological terrorism to cripple populations to fit their agenda.

And the reality is that what Dr. Matthew Liao, director of the College of Global Public Health’s Center for Bioethics at New York University is suggesting is very easy to do with adulterated food products in every country of the world, which would without a doubt cause wide spread autoimmune disorders to murder hundreds of millions, if not billions.

Recognize these people are plotting bioloogical terror campaigns against the world on behalf of a few companies that want a captive market for their goods. There is absolutely nothing benevolent about these people.

This is why we shouldn't share our technology with primitives and it's necessary to eliminate the psychopathic racketeering populations that have acquired massive wealth and influence, RIGHT NOW.

Every government in the world should be financing the assassination of all the WEF members before they contaminate your country's food supply. These "global" groups are already in your country and if you don't weed out every member of their group you are just asking for them to carry out their operations using glazed eyed narcissistic psychopaths that tell themselves they're saving the world because an undisclosed former Monsanto rep says it's good for the environment.

EVERY MEMBER of the World Economic Foundation and EVERY sponsor of it is a threat to every country globally.
P: 5,
A significant number of the people living in Ukraine are foreign and exert terrorist influence.
I think I remember that Putin cited 30 million Ukrainians being forced to leave the economy that the Ukrainian occupied regime killed by using the government to transfer wealth to foreign landlords, who then shut down the industrial sector with their malicious mismanagement and rackets that drove the cost of labor up.

If an illegitimate regime transfers all the wealth of the country to themselves, forcing the native population to move, then invites in foreign replacements, does the territory now belong to the foreign replacements? Should they vote to decide who the territory belongs to?

Ukraine belongs to the ethnic Ukrainians. They are the only ones that should be voting on what happens to their territory.

But unfortunately under the NATO's pseudo-democratic regimes and government backed terror to break up and suppress national decision making bodies, Ukrainians have no way to come to a collective decision.

In addition, the Ukrainians in diaspora are subject to disinformation campaigns through hostile media.

NATO already had its chance to govern and it decided to genocide the White people in every country they had access to. I think Ukraine is best off in Russian hands and one day when the Ukrainians have the autonomy to vote for themselves, I think they would approve of Russian annexation rather than be part of the NATO empire where all Whites are considered a threat and are genocided through malicious policy.

You see how this multinational democracy model pitched by the lying imperialists shitheads in NATO throws everything into chaos by undermining national democracies with
1. Terrorism, intimidation, harassment by foreign backed groups.
2. Media hoaxes.
3. Transferring citizenship and voting rights to other nations.
4. Forcing the native population into poverty with racketeering schemes and genociding them.
5. Creating economic and military contention that have to be taken into consideration by transfering tech to every camel riding terrorist and low IQ regime.
6. Foreign ownership of a country's assets that forces foreign parties to meddle in other nations' affairs in order to retain the property they almost always stole with monopoly money.

Yeah, ethnic Ukrainians should be voting on what becomes of their territory, but they aren't capable of doing that under the NATO's imperial terror regime and it's not right to just stand by and watch them be genocided by foreign occupiers and a few internal traitors that sold their nation out in exchange for profits from NATO imperial rackets.

Once you start thinking that the NATO version of democracy is real democracy, everything gets fucked up and determining what's right or wrong by a group of people is nearly impossible because there is no way to tell what they want under the boot of a psuedo-democratic regime.

Legitimate democracies are made by nations and they represent the nation's will. You can have protectorated with independent national democracies and they can form defense and trade blocs, but if you undermine the national democracies in the above ways you can't tell what a nation of people want and there is no easy way to resolve it if you have given away citizenship to other groups. But at the same time it's clear that other groups can't stand by and watch people they care about be genocided and they don't need the approval of illegitimate pseudo-democracies to make decisions to intervene.

NATO, get your shit together now, throw out the globalists, throw out the Jews, throw out the racketeers, stop obstructing the Western people's communications, stop using state terror and intimidation against the Western people and covertly assassinate foreign NGO members doing it, or lose it all. What you are doing is not democracy, it's psuedo-democracy and it's genociding the Western people.

NATO countries should have been the ones to remove the Zelenskyy regime of foreign landlording trash and you did nothing until Russia had to step in because they were literally torturing and shooting Donbass so Jewish landlords could buy up all their houses for free with loans from the banks and rent them back to Ukrainians to capture all the GDP of the country, as meager as it is under Jewish ownerships' incompetence.

NATO is just a massive racketeering scam. It doesn't defend the borders, it genocides the people it rules over, and it has no future because all these psychopathic shits they put in charge of everything are incompetent and don't care about the nations they claim to represent.
P: 2,
The UN isn't a neutral body.
It's made out of nations and headquartered in countries controlled by globalist terrorists with their own agenda that assassinate and intimidate UN representatives that don't do what they want.

In addition there are clear examples of the UN globalists conspiring against independent nations, like the state of Katanga that UN forces were ordered to genocide the population to hand over the territory to the "Democratic" Republic of the Congo.


When the UN involved itself in Katanga, it did so on the side of the banks and slaughtered the population of the country because Jewish bankers didn't like the owners of the mineral rights. It then handed the territory over to the DRC where it all got sold off cheap.

Involving the UN gave many countries the impression that they could send troops to Katanga and it rapidly turned into a shit show with the Katanga people being wiped out by wave after wave of foreign troops showing up to represent differen parties of the UN.

The UN has an absolutely wretched history of intervention in independence movements, which is no suprise because the UN exists to provide a platform to governments recognized by the UN clique.

The UN is not a government, you shouldn't act like it is and call on it to function as an enforcer of democracy or something like that. When the UN descends on a state, it brings all the conflicts and agendas of its member countries.

Democracies are expressions of national decision making to decide what an already unified group wants to do. They don't work as mediation to disputes at all. If you are disputing a bill, you don't call in all the employees of the company that scammed you and all your friends to take a vote on it, that doesn't resolve the conflict at all.
P: 4,
Java's script, sounds like engraved stone tablets hidden in at Java.
P: 2,
what is meme?
P: 5,
This thread should be in /math/ because the admin, who is fapping with anime girls' pics, will be glad.
P: 1,
P13068 The emulator really is emulator
P: 20,
The OP probably has glazed windows and there was an ambulance, with siren box on, passing by making his windows blink.
P: 1,
>hires soydevs to host an onion website
P: 1,
[bold:Don't use the internet!!!] bring letters and telegram back, hire your own mailman and build your own spark-gap transmitters, and use those as a communication medium. Read newspapers, books instead of browsing the spider webs. If you need software buy it, and install them via disk tray. Photoship 7.0 is just 2.99 at garage sales. I never stored my personal info on this PC / laptop. My personal information are mostly printed papers from the local offices and stored in my stovepipe hat. I would transfer those papers to my briefcase when my stovepipe hat gets heavy. Now only letters, notes are stored in the linings of my stovepipe hat.
P: 3,
Courage, mon brave! Be of good cheer and stout heart!
P: 1,
>Jeff Becker
P: 1,
AP12984 I can be trained.

Soon cauliflowers will be able to walk by it selves.
P: 1,
P: 3,
The retardation of normalniggers
>Tired of being MITMed and phished when you try to connect to the WiFi at coffee shops? Microsoft Edge can help with that! Introducing a new feature that securely MITMs all your traffic through trustworthy Cloudflare.
P: 3,
The GIF really is GIF

Anyways, anyone know how to cure insomnia?
P: 2,
What is DALL·E 2??
P: 1,
The one with a shade of grey and blue

Please, ask the librarian for further details....
P: 1,


Yes, I use that when I about to cut cauliflowers
P: 7,
I will be moving to i2P soon.
I'm not satisfied with the security of the tor network and there aspects of it that aren't flexible enough for me, for instance the lack of torrenting capacity.

On tor, it's necessary for me to download things like youtube videos from CDNs, but all that stuff can be easily self hosted on i2P torrents, removing many security vulnerabilities and opportunities to collect data.

Tor has many useful things like onionshare that allows for self hosting, but it's lack of torrents, the tendency for tor nodes to just be malicious data collection operations, and the ease with which just a few maliciously configured nodes and onion sites can break your anonymity have made me thing i2P, slow as hell that it is, is better, and virtually all the tor onion sites for communications have been taken over by Federal law enforcement, which impose strict totalitarian censorship.

I have basically no interest in clearnet sites anymore, they're all crap, so I'm just moving over to i2P.
P: 3,
Where can I find <redacted, sha256=2b6f2e436f0948ffd2bff018220e94c45ce8d86e818c6c7bc7e50ed56ad005c2> for free
P: 3,
>And why no X
Why would ye need "X"?

That sounds like Pon Asinorum, except the omission of Y and Z!
P: 3,
is yookee another meaning for yankee?

Bloody Americans
P: 1,
In protest of the online censorship.
I'm poisoning Jews I come across covertly as well as employees of companies involved with censorship.

We have no political options, but I have the option to poison them.
P: 1,
>calling your friend
>opens camera app
P: 8,
The page really is a page but a page that requires ye to enable javascript


top kek

I shall write "Sod Off!" on that page with my humble quill or perhaps steel nibs. Silly page indeed.
P: 41,
It's nothing compared to what the future holds for the people that conspired to undermine Western sovereignity by obstructing the communicatons of Whites though.

You should have repealed 47 USC 230 the very instant you were told to. All this time something was building up to claim the lives of your descendants over it. You should have listened. This entire situation is going down in history as the time that traitors worked with enemy nations to genocide Whites and your children are going to be tortured to death for it if you obstructed the Western people's political communications.

Your bloodlines will be demonized for over 1000 years and hunted down for siding with enemy nations to genocide Whites.

P: 2,
P: 1,
P: 2,
Is Ms. Piggy a racial stereotype?
All the other muppets are race neutral I think.
P: 1,
More 4D chess from the Jewish mafia occupying Western states, I guess.

What is really going to happen if Europe doesn't have fossil fuels this winter?

Probably some nasty racketeering Jews will make money on speculating on fuel that can actually be delivered this winter, Whites lose their houses paying off loans to heat a pot of water, foreigners alone get subsidies for fuel.

Or maybe all the foreigners will freeze to death because they're not aclimated to cold climates, or they just get on a plane and leave?

I'm really sick of this 4D chess stuff when the foreigners and racketeers could all be delt with by a covert assassination campaign using poisonings that take a year to kill. Poison them all and they don't realize there's something wrong until they're dropping dead.

The more foreigners die, the harder it will be for them to run their anti-White campaigns and terrorize Whites into submission to their agenda to steal our territory.

There were some explosions of underwater oil pumping operations in the past, someone was bored, but I don't know what caused this. Sabotage, failure to maintain it, or some little earthquake, I don't know. Forensics are the best way. I'm just saying it wasn't me because I don't remember doing that. It sounds like it was most likely sabotage.

Europeans should just become Russian citizens and help retake Europe. NATO is too incompetent and has let too many foreign parties infiltrate and sabotage everything. Russia's not perfect, but it's better than the heaping pile of anti-White dogshit trying to genocide Whites that the NATO governments have become.

I'm tired of all the subterfuge. There are crazy Whites pledging loyalty to a Middle Eastern state that has no future and sabotaging the Western world, and there are foreigners that are loyal to their own ethnic group over Whites, why can't we just covertly remove them? Nothing really gets solved if the people that aren't loyal to the Western people aren't removed from where they can cause damage; these are basic concepts of governance and national security.

Does the USA even produce enough oil to ship to Europe? Or are they dicking over Europe so Saudis or Israelis can sell oil at a premium?

We really need to implement a working model of Western national defense that counters these foreign aligned ethnic mafias, terror campaigns, and other soft power campaigns. The thing is, you can't openly confront any of these foreign mafias without them retaliating against you and killing you, the only way to get rid of them realistically is by covertly targeting their entire ethnic group so their terrorism and gangster tactics cease to have a target and you remove the population they recruit from from the territory.

If Europe was warm this winter, would it be good or bad for the Western people? Will Germans really freeze to death if things continue as they are or will they just dress warmer and watch their foreign neighbors freeze to death? This question is important.
P: 2,
>It works in C because there's no real type system.

what is "C"?? Is that clitter or clito-- erm.... Nothing?
P: 4,
The digits really are digits, no joke
P: 2,
Oh dear, bad tidings
P: 2,
lol and kek'ed
P: 13,

Again, thanks. I am not a vegan.

Here is thine flower.
P: 1,
>the black hole at the center of our galaxy

Isn't that the "orb"?
P: 2,
>tried to install LineageOS, fucked it up cuz impatient fuck (got back my patience nowadays
LineageOS really is Limbo
P: 2,
The music really is music
P: 2,
and what is "halal"?
P: 5,
>try suicide maybe?

Suicide alwaya failed. I tried that many times
P: 3,
>Like it is not funny anymore, why we need to carry that jewish baggage?

Judaism is a religion of hatred that teaches via the Talmud how to discriminate against non-Jews economically, lie to them, and abuse their children.

Are you telling me to ignore a religious group that teaches genocidal hostility towards my people?

I'd rather just kill more Jews.
P: 8,
How will you torture to death the Fed's descendants?
When you find out there are some lurking among your population, what will you do to them?

Will you smash their heads open with rocks?

Will you poison them?

Will you tie them down and torture them to death for a week?

Will you round them up and throw them off a cliff and let the river wash their corpses away?

I care more about removing the scourge of their bloodlines than I do with punishing the indivdiual offenders.

It's your kids I really want murdered, to prevent them from committing anymore acts of sabotaging the Western nations.
P: 4,
P8264 Just wear gloves, your fingerprints won't left behind.
P: 5,
oh dear, vomit everywhere
P: 5,
>Suraimu-Chan (Slime-Chan)
The slime really is slimy
P: 2,
what are λanons?
P: 2,
This is my MATH!
Look! My delta function is about to ejaculaaaaaaaaaaaate!!!!
x, y, z, Fermaaaaaaaaaaat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah, it's me. And you know, this must be MATHEMATICAL. Don't move this thread. DO NOT!
P: 5,
When in command mode you can do anything you want!
P: 1,
wood chuck wood chuck wood chuck chuck chuck
wood kiss wood kiss wood chuck chuck chuck
P: 1,
P: 2,
P: 1,
what's that? A brief history of German Bus routes?
P: 1,
>1. The used-up sleeve

Will shirt sleeves work?
P: 6,
she's got it
P: 2,
>Even your grandma could figure out how to install OnionShare:

the OnionShare really is user friendly
P: 2,
Muslims riot in India.
What a coincidence, Muslims riot in the UK too when someone is saying anything the don't want heard.

Isn't it funny how all the Semitic people fundamentally don't understand freedom of expression and instead use terrorism and then play the victim?

All it takes is one person telling the truth to send neo-Babylon up in flames, apparently.

The Muslims are trying to take over India by violating India's borders and deliberately having more children to try to take it over, that's a fact, you can see it in the demographics and you can hear it in the rhetoric of the Islamists.

The (((UK media))) is trying to pin the riots on a single Hindu speaking at a private gathering that Muslim terrorists did not want said.

If people can decide what other people can say privately in the UK, then I say no one can talk about Abrahamic religions at all anymore, because they cause terrorism, and let them not be uttered anywhere on the island. But you see, I'm not the Muslim with a knife standing on the street corner menacingly or the Jewish terrorist in the BBC dictating policy to a nation they are not a part of.

The peaceful people of the world need to figure out how to deal with the very clear threat of Abrahamic terrorism, or they will be taken over by 80 IQ Semites with sharpened butter knives and no Jew has the answer, of course they don't, they're too dumb and on the side of the Semites.

P: 5,
No forgiveness without commensurate offerings
Their bloodlines' sin is eternally counted against their offspring until they get lynched, or poisoned, or starved out.

All the White-genocide collaborators from this era must be treated as the mortal enemy of the Western people that they are and killed.

The children of a traitor do not have membership in the nation any longer, we have no obligations to protect them, and we have an obligation to the people they murdered and genocided to murder and genocide their descendants.

Unless you've got a country to offer the Western people or a hundred million of our enemies dead, your sin will be scrapped from your children's bones until there is nothing left of your bloodline.

The wars between nations are a simplification of the wars between bloodlines. Once you betray the Western people, you and every psychopathic idiot that falls out of a vagina because of you is worth nothing more than their body weight in dog food.
P: 1,
European paganism doesn't lack a doctrine


European paganism, with the exception of a few neo-pagan groups, is entirely hereditary.

Meaning, if you aren't the blood descendant of a European pagan, you're not going to learn whatever doctrine their bloodline has.

And this is the traditional way that European paganism, for the most part, has spread from generation to generation. If you have a community, then the most competent elder teaches all the children that are descended from a progenitor of the bloodline, but otherwise it's parent and grandparent to their direct descendants.

Technically, everyone that's White is eligible to learn the oral tradition of Odin on the basis of ancestry and there are dozens of other progenitors from later times whose descendants comprise entire ethnic nations. But worshipping a Middle Eastern deity and terrorizing Whites over it is an offense that makes you ineligible, so that's it, you're never going to really learn European paganism, but your kids can through intermarriage to European pagans.
P: 2,
I'm more into forksorter
P: 2,

The Bumperon really is Bumperon
P: 6,
All non-Whites in Western countries are illegal enemy combatants.
This includes their children.

Anyone caught harboring or aiding them will be sentenced to death.

The preferred route of removal of the non-White population is through covert poisoning.

I want 20 thousand dead a day in every major city at least one month after operations begin.
P: 1,
P12149 define "the Right Equipment"
P: 23,
They should just make a law that says all unclaimed, but possible to claim, bet winnings have a 20% tax and throw the person hosting the competition in jail using the law enforcement if they don't pay.

Start thinking like an American "businessman" and use the law enforcement to force people to pay you.

Call it gambling insurance and require it by law for all gambling institutions.

There is no service, they're just requires to pay you for nothing.

Sonny and Cher just need to own the insurance company, then they don't even need to bother with the trying to do their best because some 90IQ law enforcement will stick a gun in the face of the host to force them to pay.
P: 2,
P: 7,
Whites aren't getting their countries back unless they enforce the borders themselves
using a method that is not easy to retaliate against such as poisoning foreign nationals opportunistically with something slow and forensically hard to detect.

They're also not getting a functional economy back until they get rid of the racketeering families associated with the USA government that transfered all the wealth to themselves.

There's a lot of killing that has to be done and it requires a certain amount of organization.

I say, kill the foreigners first, the law enforcement if they get in the way, and then hold a grand commission to identify and systematically eliminate the descendants of racketeers globally.

The problem wasn't with the laws, the problem was with traitorous psychopaths in government that weren't disposed of with their kids like is reasonable. The problem was just too many bad people, shitty psychopathic families, gaming the system and replacing the people they murdered with crony economics with foreigners.

Kill the families, make an example of them, and you won't have these problems anymore.
P: 1,
>get a whiff of these programmers

hmmm... smells like cake
P: 1,
The arts really is arts
P: 7,
Why don't the NATO militaries defend NATO borders?
I thought that was the military's job, to keep other nations out of their country's territory.

In the USA they stopped defending the borders entirely, and instead ICE was created by a treasonous blackmailed child raping Congress and defunded.

What does the USA military do if they aren't keeping foreign nations from invading and arresting and executing unConstitutional Congresses, Courts, and Presidential cabinets?

P: 4,
my loli(s)
P: 1,
>Never because they don't exist

Witches do exist so do fairies

Challenge: try not to yawn
P: 1,
Hi, do you like men wearing eyeliners?
P: 2,
P: 1,
that post looks very like vomit. Reminds me of Where is Waldo?
P: 2,
IG = Instagram

Why use that horrible app?
P: 2,
P11921 Heineken?
P: 2,
P10897 I don't know what happened, but there are red rectangles everywhere.
P: 1,
P: 3,
You're not even able to use the communications system because the Feds illegally rigged it to obstruct political opposition.
So the logical thing to do is waste your time on a completely rigged political system instead of gunning down and poisoning Fed and politician families across the country.
P: 2,
[THIS IS] Why so shitty here? [MATH]
When will you die admin? Didn't your mom teach you not to shit in public? Please don't use anime girls' pics for your poor shitty masturbation site shit. Math is shit. So you shouldn't move this thread to any other wrong places. THIS IS MATH
P: 1,
How to tell if I had an Autism?
P: 2,
P: 5,
Twerking Thots
P: 1,
>copypasting GNU+Linux interjection
>on a thread about Linux the kernel
P: 2,
I like JS because they are ready to [spoiler: sex]
P: 6,
What is it that makes civilizations work?
What makes individuals follow the orders of a civilization and fulfill their functions in it?

Is it just short sighted priorities, do what they say and you get a spoonful of lentils to survive another day? Could people be that short sighted and disposable, and if so for how long?

What determines who is in charge of it all? Is it just who the media says is in charge?

What if it's not in the interests of the people to do that? What if the people the media say are in charge are crazy, incompetent, or malicious?

The USA Federal government is murdering millions of people and all that will be left is useless thieves that used government created mechanisms to transfer all the wealth of the country to their incompetent hands. Their entire concept of production is limited to moving money from one account to another. They're simply wired peons completely disconnected from the real world, propped up by an insane government. If they didn't get free money wired into their accounts from the rackets the government created that gives them the right to order people around and get free stuff, they'd be dead on the streets in a year because they're absolutely and totally useless.


What's the point of keeping any of you alive if all the useful people are dead from your government theiving game of breeding the lowest forms of life and shouting on TV that they're the earners and superior in some way because they were capable of logging into a finance account on a computer they could have never created themselves and moving money from one account to another?

The USA bred tens of millions of these useless people and killed their productive members to feed mental midgets with no sense of decency who were willing to rob and didn't care where the magic money came from as long as they continued to get it.

Well, this civilization isn't getting support anymore. Time to drown all the rats.
P: 2,
The New Gatekeeping Test of the Western Elite will be
Human sacrifice of the anti-White and racketeering bloodlines.

You want to join the new Western Elite, you're going to have to take a knife and prove it by cutting off a part of a living screaming descendant of one of these racketeers or anti-White's grandkids.

If you aren't willing to kill the anti-White bloodlines, the people that caused the genocide in the NATO states either through malicious racketeering against the Western populations, obstructing the communications of the Western people under most circumstances, pushing for non-White immigration and defending foreigners' residence, transfering tech to rival nations, or our rival national enemies, then you just aren't made of the right stuff and shouldn't hold any power in the Western world.

It doesn't matter how many generations pass after an offense against the Western people, the descendants are still each 100% accountable for their ancestor's crimes as if they had done it themselves, unless they have exonerated themselves and their descendants with something of greater value to the White people.

Status in the Western world has to be directly connected with the willingness to defend it at personal risk, and this is an easy way to do it. If you want to be in the Western elite or hold your place, you're going to have to prove you're willing to take a personal risk for the Western people and at the same time see with your own eyes what happens to bloodlines that betray the Western people.

P: 1,
everytime I look at myself in mirror
I feel like I am so handsome that no one could compare. I don't know why everyone around me so ugly? Probably the great witch curses in 1670s.
P: 2,
P: 2,
Have ever asked yourself...
why you are the only handsome man on the planet Earth? I always wanna know why the only charming, handsome man is me.
P: 1,
>Do you have 3D printable ones?
you could just press ctrl + P
P: 1,
What is geimu?
P: 1,
kuso test
P: 3,
Have you ever had this exotic EGGSperience?
When you are about to crack the eggsinto the bowl so you can whisk them. Alas, apply to your over-a-month unwashed hair. You picked a rotten egg, without realising that it is expired, and cracked that into the bowl and that (rotten) egg ruined your whole hair shampoo!
P: 3,
P10380 what is 3DPD and utangatta?
P: 1,
West? Since we are all whites? Why do we need compasses? we are not wandering in the forest!.
P: 1,
Why the only handsome man on Earth is me? Is it because god made me a worthy man or the people next door always jealous of me?
P: 2,
P: 3,
Am I the most handsome man on this Chan?
I looked in the mirror and it appears to be "yes"!
P: 1,
Why do you need that stinkin' Tor?
If you are the most handsome man on Earth? I need not to conceal my identity as I am the most handsome man in the village. Everyone knows me and they shocked of how handsome I am!
P: 4,
numb empty
no stim
P: 1,
I cum in my breeches
Now letting it dry. I cant changed!!! Woe a day!
P: 1,
P10326 0.1?
P: 3,
You don't need to create a new thread every time, nigger
P: 1,
>Noooo, people post pictures I don't like
P: 5,
What is "utangatta"?

sounds nigger
P: 4,
I am such a handsome man
are you as handsome as I?
P: 2,
acute schizoaffectivity onset followed by syndrom shift will lead to isolation?
P: 5,
Dear Fagmin...
Why don't you ban posts with anime pics? They are so annoying!
P: 19,
Meta Thread
Because someone is now impersonating me, I'm setting up this board as a way to make it so others know if I'm the real poster or not. If I post a tiktok of a girl here it means it's the real me.
P: 6,

I do. That's why I want them to know the conditions for them and their children to be executed by the new Western military, intelligence, and law enforcement are moving forward.

By giving them the option to join the right side, they can be removed as an adversary before hand and turned into an asset for restoring Western countries.

Part of me just wants to see their descendants gutted and burned though.

We are talking about inevitabilities. The Western states will reform or they will perish with all the Western elite and the entire population. They won't be able to live in other nations' territory, because they aren't part of those nations and their children will just be killed. And they can't survive in the West if they don't back my reforms, because the people I created will torture their kids to death and throw them in a big bonfire as a matter of the new Western elite's religion.

1 by 1, the Western elite take my side, because they literally have no other options to survive. If you want to do anything of signficance in the Western world going forward, you should probably seek my approval or the approval of the people I've trained, because we'll just wipe out your bloodline if you don't meet the criteria necessary for the Western people to persist. Ask first, or you might regret it later.

This is called "reform". It doesn't make sense to pledge allegiance to an order that has no long term viability. The most viable civilizational model wins support, and the supporters eliminate those that stand in the way by promoting crash and burn civilizational models. You want to live and your family to persist in a well defended functional and affluent state, don't you?

P: 1,
What is meme?
P: 6,
Jews Mega Thread
Post anything Jewish here. It can be:
Jews ladies / men you find attractive

We love Jews
P: 1,
I love Jews
Where can I date with Jews? They are very cute.
P: 5,
The first people to be wiped out by imperialism are the inhabitants of the country where it is implemented.

The English wiped out their own people to make a few people rich and for a long time that made it an insignificant country while other monarchies ruled on the mainland.

At some point the British elite realized that they didn't have to murder the British with poverty, but could send them other places to make even more money and pay off the nonsensical debts to Jewish banking families like the Rothschilds, and thus many new Western countries were formed since the prisoners and people fleeing Judeo-economics had to fight the native people to survive and hold their own, often with the British funding natives to attack them because they wouldn't pay some stupid fee.

Right now the English elite are by and large repeating the same mistake, killing the people they racketeer money from instead of financing them to take over new territory, but it's even worse now because they're bringing in enemy nationals to replace the people they killed with rackets, meaning they won't be ruling anything much longer.

How does a ruling class have so little understanding of their own history that they can't repeat the elements that caused their nation to grow, but instead double down on failures.

The English elite became far wealthier from spreading the English people to the America and Australia than they did from wiping out generation after generation with landlording and feudalism. After WW2, because they allowed the Jewish media to rally against Germany and take over the government, almost all the English elite lost their estates because the Rothschild government imposed extreme taxes to pay for the war.

England's history is very complicated, probably the most complicated history in the world, primarily on account that the Pan British people are ultra-literate and record damn near everything and keep it on endless repeat as a matter of discussion.

The English today are mostly foreign though aren't they? All that stuff in the past hardly matters now because the English elite were easily manipulated by foreign agents into giving away the territorial national defense they needed to survive. The British elite say one thing about Pakistanis and they'll have a gang at their door with police back up ready to kill their whole family and throw them in prison for hate speech if they resist because they don't have the brains to deal with foreign terrorist cells covertly and actually remove foreign national groups entirely the moment they start expressing hostility towards Whites.

What Britian is doing today is not comparable to what it did in the past, for the most part, because this time they are importing other races and mixed race population is not biologically possible. Brits, the British elite included, that try to interbreed with the other races will just have their bloodlines erased the same way the ancient Romans and Egyptians did. The races are species and for over 13,000 years at least, with Semites, Blacks, and Asians all having direct contact with each other and huge migrations of people, their races have not merged and in the places were they race mix there is population collapse that prevents any nation from rising there.

One of the things about Britian's history is that this is not their first time doing this, it's just the first time on this genocidal scale. At one time England imported a huge number of Chinese for instance, but their descendants disappear from the population over time, they were race mixed out of existence or forced out when, like in the USA, Chinese attempted to take over territory as their exclusive ethnic enclave.

Britian's history has tremendous ups and downs. If you try to make sane policy for British interests, I imagine it's the same as in the USA and some racketeer runs into the room huffing and puffing about it threatening their source of government protected racketeering money. One day people will realize that term "useless eater" doesn't apply specifically to laborers.

There's one extensively examined Chinese bloodline in England, supposedly the first Chinese immigrant. It lasted from 1594 to 1777, assuming there wasn't adultery. Normally a bloodline branches out and once you have about 40 descendants there isn't a chance in hell of your bloodline being wiped out unless the entire nation is wiped out, this one didn't even last 2 centuries and was totally wiped out as far as anyone can tell. What happens when you do that on a national scale? The entire nation gets wiped out.

After the third generation race mixed English Chinese, no one could tell by looking at them they had Chinese ancestry, but their entire bloodline was still wiped out. By the last of their bloodline, the amount of Asian DNA would have been infinitesimal, but it still wiped them out and this was under the best of circumstances where their descendants only married British with fully functional chromosomes. Two mixed race people having a child is far less likely to produce a viable offspring than a race mixed breeding with a pure race person. These race mixed people are genotoxic and the difference is the foreigners are coming to the West, but the Westerners aren't going to their countries to drop their biologically weaponized offspring to decimate their populations.

All that's going to be left of the Western people is the ones that were racist and checked people's ancestry enough to eliminate foreign admixture.

P: 10,
P: 1,
A question....
Why don't you use Instagram or other mainstream social media? This Website is so boring!
P: 2,
first step
You make another....
P: 1,
Discuss poileataigs topics in a friendly fashion.
Please no insults, no trolling and no hatred.

[bold: Express yourselves respectfully, thank you.]
P: 1,
P9091 shouldn't this be in /nieuws/, /oidenieuws/?
P: 1,
Welcome to /politiek/
Here you can discuss anything politiek-related (not to be confused with politics) here.
P: 1,
Stop! It's annoying! Go? annoying!
Darm it how many time I told you not to have a turkey without spuds and gravy! It's dentrimental to health like Onanism! Screw you and that poor turkey.
P: 1,
P: 3,
Pissing on a corpse
Imagine thinking that moderating and defending a dead imageboard completely devoid of any quality content, a place so boring that even denpa avoids it as xe searches for a new home, a place where only shitspammer and "/pol/tard reddit-spacer white millennial schizo" spray their diarrhea, is somehow 'winning'.
P: 5,
ready to court some ladies
P: 44,
Use this board to discuss progress, diversity and social justice!
P: 3,
fresh meal
P: 5,
oppressed shitskins need communism now!
why don't communist countries take in all of the niggers and all of the other brown oppressed peoples of the western countries so they can taste true freedom and justice? obviously, the evil western capitalist imperialist pig countries only know how to oppress and enslave brown people and communism champions social justice all over the world.
countries like china, north korea and cuba should be setting the example by taking in millions of niggers and spics from western nations and giving them true social justice and economic freedom in the worker's paradises they have created. there are no native peoples in a perfect communist society. we are all one family, especially violent niggers and spics.

why isn't this happening already and what can white people do to help the process along? i am eager to do my part to help liberate niggers and spics from my evil influence and that of the evil western nations.
P: 4,
P: 2,
CA = Current Affairs. Another Underground /pol/ sub. Discuss pol fast before it becomes another /trash/!
P: 2,
I am having a Torgasm
How to cure it?
P: 1,
Welcome to /politics/
Discuss political topics in a friendly fashion.
Please no insults, no trolling and no hatred.

[bold: Express yourselves respectfully, thank you.]
P: 1,
alright, Next lesson
P: 15,
Christchurch Shooting Mega Thread
Bringing back the /ar/ thread that I fortunately archived. I will contribute everything I have.

>his writing
>prison website
>his lawyers' website
Media articles
>White-bred terrorist: the making of a killer
>Jacinda Ardern determined to stop alleged Christchurch mosque gunman from spreading hate at trial
>The ruin of Brenton Tarrant
>Revealed: Christchurch mosque massacre accused 'sent an ominous letter to his mother' just before allegedly carrying out inhuman attack that shocked the world
Note: if new articles or information is released, I will add links. If you yourself have links you think might be of interest to others, links to archived discussions or otherwise relevant information, you're welcome to share them.

>Face to face with a killer: One man's close call with Christchurch shooter
>his Steam account
>Why did Brenton Tarrant kill at Christchurch
>Pictured: Brenton Tarrant’s Dunedin lair as neighbours reveal he was a loner
>NZ media to censor coverage of Christchurch terrorist trial
>Recent Christchurch documentary "Under the Radar"

>Christchurch man who plotted terrorist-style attack back behind bars
https://archive.fo/9omVk //
https://archive.fo/aAqJW //
https://archive.fo/CGxbT //
>How accused gunman went from ‘ordinary’ family life to terrorism
>one of his threads

>Twitter Archives:

https://archive.fo/Zbw1j / https://archive.fo/aC2FQ / https://archive.li/nyqc3

>Memetic Warfare Archives:

Memetic Warfare Thread XVI


Memetic Warfare Thread XV


Memetic Warfare Thread XIV


Memetic Warfare Thread XIII


Memetic Warfare Thread XII


Memetic Warfare Thread XI


Memetic Warfare Thread X


Memetic Warfare Thread IX


Memetic Warfare Thread VIII


Memetic Warfare Thread VII


Memetic Warfare Thread VI


Memetic Warfare Thread V


Memetic Warfare Thread IV


Memetic Warfare Thread III


Memetic Warfare Thread II


Memetic Warfare Thread I


>NeinChan MemeticWarfare

1) http://archive.is/a5aDR

2) http://archive.fo/LxW4E

3) http://archive.ph/PCUfW

4) http://archive.md/7m8Hn

Several Facebook archive links
1 http://archive.is/aAqJW
2 https://archive.is/d5wfn
3 https://archive.fo/4gHO0
4 https://archive.fo/9omVk
5 https://archive.fo/MaQ4O
6 https://archive.fo/CGxbT
7 https://archive.is/2rHMO
8 https://archive.md/i2dfr

Archive of posts made by Brenton Tarrant on Lonelyplanet (username ferretbiter)

Archive of posts made by Brenton Tarrant on Aussiestockforums (username ferretbiter) Aussiestockforums
http://archive.fo/oGDsT pag.1
https://archive.fo/yKP0J pag.2
https://archive.fo/Mjq9K pag. 3
https://archive.fo/IzZYX pag.4

Tarrant's Steam account https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197971153089

Brenton Tarrant's family tree
P: 15,
Welcome to /politics/
Discuss political topics in a friendly fashion.
Please no insults, no trolling and no hatred.

[bold: Express yourselves respectfully, thank you.]
P: 7,
Knock Knock
P: 2,
A BIG grand opening of /news/
Now LambdaChan (or NanoChan?) users can talk about the current affairs here.

1. What are the best qualities of your writing style?
2. How could you improve our new /news/ subChan?
3. Would you consider using /news/ to fight against the government's misinformations?
P: 1,
Welcome to /politics/
Discuss political topics in a friendly fashion.
Please no insults, no trolling and no hatred.

[bold: Express yourselves respectfully, thank you.]
P: 1,
Welcome to /politics/
Discuss political topics in a friendly fashion.
Please no insults, no trolling and no hatred.

[bold: Express yourselves respectfully, thank you.]
P: 1,
this is true /pol/
come join our new politics board to defend, praise and worship niggers, spics, faggots (with and without wigs), christcucks and especially the foreskin munching oven dodgers!
let's share tips on writing manifestos, shooting up mosques and blowing up federal buildings!

remember the six trillion!!!!!!!!!111!!!!!!!!!!11111!!!111111111
P: 1,
Welcome to /politics/
Discuss political topics in a friendly fashion.
Please no insults, no trolling and no hatred.

[bold: Express yourselves respectfully, thank you.]
P: 1,
Welcome to /politics/
Discuss political topics in a friendly fashion.
Please no insults, no trolling and no hatred.

[bold: Express yourselves respectfully, thank you.]
P: 1,
Fuck Joe Biden
In good faith and honesty I hereby declare that Joe Pedo Biden should get fucked
P: 3,
Welcome to /politics/
Here we can discuss politics.
P: 1,
Let's Go Brandon
P: 2,
Welcome to /pol/
Lambdanons asked, I answered.
/polesbians/ shall be the de-facto /pol/ board on Lambdachan. Discuss politics, news, history, philosophy and similar topics here.
P: 1,
When will you end this shitty site? Even if you are such a retarded, you can kill yourself, can't you? Or didn't your mom teach you not to shit in public? Torproject and Tor users hate your wasting onion network bandwidth for such a fucking shit of you. Apologize THEN CUT YOUR STOMACH ASAP

This is a MATHEMATICAL suggestion. So you shouldn't move this thread to any other places. And you should answer mathematically for this suggestion.
P: 1,
reddit/comments/<redacted, sha256=ef53db0be9ccca4a745fd832559b99819e9dad3a4454bcfd395f6c56c2d8caa1> vvn8cc

filescatbox.moe/<redacted, sha256=eb5f60fc0bbf9f1857d767ac271f4f8121f7383139ac5b89675bf8a635b057fc>,mpg

snapcamz/showthread.php?<redacted, sha256=470ae4d5c079fd9b2bfa9a271c50b9268185894b40f9465c901dc7827e17f1ab>
P: 2,
P: 2,
P: 1,
kys lain
P: 2,
P: 1,
kys, didn't read
nobody cares.
P: 1,
P: 10,
Is your dad jewish?
P: 2,
THE UNDENIABLE TRUTH by Jordan B. Peterson
[spoiler: Reposted from https://8chan.moe/sm/res/11455.html because I found it funni and I'm not sure if it'll be left up there. Posted to /trash/ because I'm so sorry.]

all shotas are just sex objects for big boys, all shotas are small, cute and have bodys perfect carrying around for hours carried as you lift them up and down on your big-boii shota annihilator I heard some shit about how lobsters oftentimes mate with their young to establish dominance or something I wouldn't know I'm too busy having sex with my shota recently the radical woke left on twittard for """allegedly""" hurting a thicc shotas feelings by saying "sorry, thicc shotas are not beautiful" so apparently for staying is undeniable fact I hurt the shotas, cute-boii, oni-chan, sex object, or what ever they call them selfs now you can banned from pixiv.com just for being based now we haves these cum hungry degenerates lusting over thicc tuby shotas what does this say about Western civilization??? now the woke mod is nutting to tuby shota!!!!!!! well we see who comes on who
P: 4,
there is no sage here
but you can crosslink from /trash/
P: 3,
Jewish mom
Yeah, my son is right. Take notes goyim, remember 6 billions killed jews.
P: 5,
>not posting Trixie edit that's been used on nanochan for months
P: 3,
P: 2,
didn't read. kys
P: 1,
almost forgot
P: 7,
Welcome to /nanodramatwo/
Following the huge success of the original /nanodrama/ in proving that the admin of lambdachan is NOT a power abusing micromanaging scumbag, I bring to you /nanodramatwo/

Here we can discuss drama related to nanochan without clogging up /free/, which let's face it is /b/ by another name and should be reserved for domestic drama
P: 2,
P: 2,
The wh*Te """""man"""""" is the epitome of male weakness and emasculation.

Let's start by looking at his body. His body is small. Because of his feeble size he has to point himself out to make his presence known. He is effiminate, as a result of his low levels of testosterone. This gives him the appearance of weakness and unhealtiness. He is then covered by his pink skin. This fair skin reminds us of his weakness, a feature that developed due to being artifically created by Yakub. It also has a psychological effect on the observer. The pink skin reminds us of our feminine, sissy desires that emerge from our primal subconscious past.

The wh*Te """"""man"""""""'s demeanor is one of betaness. He is effiminate, sissy, and can be very coward . His behaviour makes other races of man burst into laughter.

The summit of expression of his femininity on his body is his penis. The wh*Te penis is smallest of all the races. As the penis is the ultimate symbol of manhood, this alone would suffice to make the wh*Te man the most effeminate of men. This tiny penis is not able to fulfill the desire of the any women, hence women usually choose BLACK men instead. Its length ensures that when it ejaculates, the ineffective wh*Te seed will not enter the womb of the woman wh*Te """""""man""""" fucks, hence he can't impregnate.

In total, the wh*Te """"""man"""""" expresses this femininity in a most exemplary manner in bed. When he fucks, he unleashes the entirety of his impotence upon his partner without any restraint.

All this is the reason why the wh*Te """"""""man""""""""" is the epitome of weakness.
P: 2,
P: 2,
the cuck spammer doxx
the cuck spammer doxx
P: 2,
You guys draw?
P: 13,
I can corroborate post above about hikari/flandre and shio/kaimu/victorique deleting everything they don't understand, including /g/ threads. Minutes ago, victorique nuked this. It seems they no longer hide their russian ethnicity, and hikari being asian-slavic mutt.
P: 1,
P: 1,
move my shit to 'trash' one more time and just watch what happens after school, math nerd
P: 3,
P: 3,
P: 2,
downs with the sickness
so the basic rule of thumb is that if your post doesn't appeal to trannies or appears as a topic a tranny would likely post, it gets moved to (((spam))) or (((trash)))
P: 1,
>a-are you an a-anti?
P: 1,
would you abort this?
P: 1,
it lives here
P: 3,
where @
bottom text
P: 1,
where @
P: 2,
i just some here to read /Log/
P: 5,
my day is going well so far
P: 1,
can mathfag remove /math/ from the overboard so he can samefag in private?
it's maths btw
P: 1,
P: 1,
P: 1,
solve for se(x)
if i nut approx. every 10 mins from sucky and approx. every 8 mins from fucky, how many sucky fucky nuts can my daughter give me in 3 hours?
P: 1,
P: 3,
Why are you wasting your life pulling your dick with math puzzles when you could be creating sentient AI to help Aryans defeat the jew?
P: 10,
P: 8,
P: 1,
P: 2,
P: 2,
P: 2,
P: 1,
P: 3,
shitspammer spamming nano pico phi with the shit http verb
took him long enough to fulfill my request wtf
P: 1,
P: 3,
P: 1,
P: 1,
P: 1,
P: 2,
P: 3,
P: 2,
i guess the math gimmick didn't quite catch on, huh? can't imagine why.
P: 1,
how do i into numbers?
P: 1,
basic formula needed
what is the basic formula for attracting and retaining quality posters on a dead imageboard?
P: 1,
dead bord
>no traffic, no oc
it checks
P: 1,
how's it goin'?
P: 7,
The bitchan dev/kiosk owner (who tries to pretend it's two different people as some form of shitty opsec) is another lolcow like hoshi and hikari. He touts free speech on his site while simultaneously deleting threads or posts which trigger his autism, which includes pretty much everything. The board is completely dead and no one has bothered installing his crapware, yet he writes a massive wall of text filling up half the front page of his site explaining it. He finally pared it down, but it was like 15 paragraphs of pure sperg techobabble not too long ago.
Apparently, he is a lolcow over at anon.cafe too, but I didn't realize his history over there until recently.

P: 1,
hoshi loaded his nappy again
P: 2,
P: 1,
where hikari @
P: 1,
where hikari @

where hikari @
P: 1,
P: 3,
hoshi, hikari and shio on suicide watch
P: 10,

P: 1,
P: 8,
lol who's hikari?
P: 1,
where my reddit-bros at??????
as a redditor, i represent reddit lolololo xdd my wife'0s boyfriend yikes
P: 8,
Free Speech
Would you like some fresh pie?