P6655 link reply
take a good look at this man's rocket
P6668 link reply
Living in a shit tier gravity well like Earth is for niggers. If you need a rocket, you're already a failure before you even start.
Dudes like him are just tfwnogf nerds trying to impress people with their niche hobbies. He's literally a child who still plays with toys.
Anyone with a brain will escape this primate hell and move to a location where you only need an electromagnetic mass driver to move things into orbit for construction or transport to other locations.

Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos are pussywhipped niggers and their shitty stock is grossly overvalued by redditors.

Fuck this gay Earth.
P6674 link reply
not one single poster on this board is going into space
P6717 link reply

I do wonder which would be easier to colonize long term, the moon or Mars.
P6966 link reply
Did you hear about the mathematician who’s afraid of negative numbers?

He’ll stop at nothing to avoid them.
P6970 link reply