P10083 link reply
A bus left the Scarlet Devil Mansion. Three people boarded at the start. At Hakugyokurou, one got off, and half a person boarded. At Yakumo's house, two people left. So how many passengers in total?
P10127 link reply
Can I just fuck Cirno without doing any math?
P10135 link reply
P10139 link reply
zero, cause there are no buses in gensokyo, sometimes there are trains
P10226 link reply
There are numerous calculations that must be performed before fucking Cinro. Like her age and your own. And her plane of existence as well as your own.
P10587 link reply
At what age can fairies consent?
P10588 link reply
Never because they don't exist
P10942 link reply
>fairies don't exist
prove it