P3718 link reply
Do you use SageMath?
P3947 link reply
I don't get it. I just use scipy, numpy, matplotlib and sympy inside ipython. If it's basically the same (not sure), I think I'm better off with the seperate tools. They would have more application.
P3980 link reply
On this topic I really like to look at two disavowals of R from circa 2010.
One of R's developers got on board with python, saying that while R should be thrown out, the only problem was that it wasn't constructed inside another scripting language (python) that was largely already a copy of R.
Another said that introducing a scripting language at all had been a complete mistake, offering no advantages over common lisp and an infinity of disadvantages.
Of course, oceanography and especially government customer oceanography is a big business, so we are stuck with R and its legacy oceanography crapshack as well.
Twenty years ago the available CASes were different as well.