P60397 link reply
You should be able to solve this.
P60399 link reply
P60404 link reply
lol what is this even i suck at math
what is the terminology for this equation called?
P60420 link reply
What grade level math is this?
P60506 link reply
Limits are taught in calculus class.
P60537 link reply
60420 looks 8th gr but those variable r foryn. perhaps russian
P60539 link reply
very breedable
P60662 42 link reply
You do realize no one uses this after high school and/or college?

I guess I could go back and learn it again, but it fails the time/effort/reward trade-off assessment. Everything I do now must pass this test.
P60664 link reply
dude here is Sherlock Holmes only learning things that are useful to his trade
P60671 link reply
Why do people go to the gym or take walks? It's completely useless going from point A to A or pulling repeatedly on a machine. The same goes for math, why learn it, if you are "not going to use it". Or maybe the reward itself is that you won't be an uneducated drooling retard? Even if you forget all of math after high school, the abstract constructs your brain developed during your childhood will remain there.
[spoiler: also if you are in IT, knowing math already put you in the top 0.1%, so there's that]
P60675 link reply
P60680 link reply
>un*x wiggers can't into math
P60697 link reply
Does it still look nice when you zoom in on (0,1)?
P60705 link reply
Shit bait, at least read what I say before commenting.
P60706 link reply
Quoted the wrong post? I just want to see what the plotting software used in P60675 does when you zoom in on (0,1).
P60707 link reply
>the wigger thinks his plotting software is anonymous
P60734 link reply
It lags a lot, but it does looks clean, even when zooming in.

Anyway, here's a proper answer:
We know from their Taylor expansion that (not writing everything because fuck it)
[tex:sin(x) =_{x→0} x - \frac{}{6} + \frac{x^5}{120} + ...]
[tex:tan(x) =_{x→0} x + \frac{}{6} + \frac{x^5}{120} + ...]
[tex:atan(x) =_{x→0} x - \frac{}{3} + \frac{x^5}{5} + ...]
[tex:asin(x) =_{x→0} x + \frac{}{6} + \frac{3 x^5}{40} + ...]
[tex:sin(tan(x)) =_{x→0} x + \frac{x^3}{6} - \frac{x^5}{40} - 275 \frac{x^7}{5040} + o(x^8)]
[tex:tan(sin(x)) =_{x→0} x + \frac{x^3}{6} - \frac{x^5}{40} - 107 \frac{x^7}{5040} + o(x^8)]
[tex:atan(asin(x)) =_{x→0} x - \frac{x^3}{6} + \frac{13 x^5}{120} - \frac{173 x^7}{5040} + o(x^8)]
[tex:asin(atan(x)) =_{x→0} x - \frac{x^3}{6} + \frac{13 x^5}{120} - \frac{341 x^7}{5040} + o(x^8)]

Which means that [tex:sin(tan(x))-tan(sin(x)) =_{x→0} \frac{-168}{5040} x^7 + o(x^8)]
and [tex:asin(atan(x))-atan(asin(x)) =_{x→0} \frac{-168}{5040} x^7 + o(x^8)]

This means that [tex:\frac{sin(tan(x))-tan(sin(x))}{asin(atan(x))-atan(asin(x))} =_{x→0} \frac{1 + o(x)}{1 + o(x)} = 1+o(x)], so [tex:lim_{x→0} \frac{sin(tan(x))-tan(sin(x))}{asin(atan(x))-atan(asin(x))} = 1]
P60735 link reply
Yep, indeed. Wrong post quote, meant for P60680
P60787 link reply
>It lags a lot, but it does looks clean, even when zooming in.
What software? On most things I try the rounding errors create garbage in that region. Does it sample new points as you zoom in or just enlarge what it's already drawn?
P60874 link reply
<Man I really need create more neuroplasticity in my brain by doing more advanced math.

Why is there alphabet in the math problem is this some kind of cipher and i being serious been long time since doing this types of math that I forgot how to do it.
P65370 link reply
these codes arent rendering for me
using links 2