P6957 link reply
extra area.svg
Where did the extra area come from?
P7041 link reply
ok so right off the bat i can see there is no extra area because both rectangles are 9x11
the problem is that the areas of the shapes are not even correct in the first place
if you measure the sizes of the triangles and other shapes in the entire rectangle you will see something is wrong
red: 9*11/2 = 49.5
orange = 4*5/2 = 10
yellow = 5*6/2 = 15
green = 14
blue = 10
purple = 1
before even summing it all up you realize there is a left over .5, so that is not an integer area, which makes no sense because the whole rectangle is 9x11=99
and indeed the areas of all shapes add up to 99.5
so in the second image the area is 98.5
do you notice the subtle difference? both are off the correct area by .5
im pretty sure the trick done with the orange and yellow triangle, because they are not congruent and yet their hypotenuses supposedly perfectly align
opening the image on Green Is My Pepper and overlapping the two figures i can see that diagonal is misaligned, and that is where the "extra area" comes from
P7181 link reply
That's a very convoluted way of saying "the red area is not a triangle"
P7191 link reply
Why don’t Calculus majors throw house parties?

Because you should never drink and derive.