P69050 How fucked am I link reply
I looked for loli matrix rooms, but didn't mean to look up 3d, but there was some 3d in the room. I didn't join and left on spot. But I searched "loli", which unfortunately is used by 3dpd people too. Am I fucked?
P69051 link reply
big fucked
P69108 link reply

wut is 3dpd ?
P69125 link reply
its a i2pd client but for cp and loli if irc?
P69176 link reply
lol is dis a ref to dat one pedo hoshi or whateva da fuq they is
P69213 link reply
u mean admin aka 9-11 aka move poast to /free aka 64 chars aka soyjak seethe n seed?
P69235 link reply
Generally you aren't gonna get good information in this place. Just look at it.
[spoiler: But just so you know, you have nothing to worry about.]
P69237 link reply
Serious response: Even in the worst case where the whole thing was a police sting, that's not good evidence that you were trying to download child pornography.
P69238 link reply
Also it's almost certainly not a police sting, there are just a lot of dumbass pedos who stupidly share stuff on clearnet but haven't been caught yet due to lack of resources to go after every last one of them. If law enforcement finds out about it and asks for the server logs, they're not going to go after everyone who accessed the room because that's obviously going to include a lot of random innocent people. They're going to go after the people who posted child pornography, and maybe people who made posts specifically requesting it.
P69280 link reply
>haven't been caught yet due to lack of resources to go after every last one of them
>obviously going to include a lot of random innocent people.

Glowies are more than capable of executing a couple of SQL queries with their backdoors and have millions of pedos put in a database and have damming evidence within a few weeks for most of them. Hell the last time I checked https://iknowwhatyoudownload.com my direct IP neighbor was downloading CP. Who is a pedo isn't a big secret when single random citizens can unmask them by the dozens.
However, keeping some pedos uncaught serves to further multiple goals:
- grooming victims more likely to grow up to be pedos/LGBT/a generally unfit member of society and thus will increase their votes in the next generation
- it will cause unjust outrage of "online anonymity" and give ample excuses to restrict online freedoms even further
So the real question is, why focus on the pedos at all? They can always give excuses like "we weren't sure", or "there is simply too many of them" (code words to increase funding). They don't care about OP even if he is a pedo. They will if he steps out of line.
P69281 link reply
The last time I checked https://iknowwhatyoudownload.com it said my IP downloaded a bunch of movies that I never heard of. Nobody else uses that IP. And it showed none of the hundreds of torrents that I actually downloaded. That website is completely useless.
P69283 link reply
You can't tell me this Tor IP is clean. Yeah, probably not accurate.
P69284 link reply
To me it just werks. Never had any issues with it. Torrents don't show up after a couple days, but that's normal.
>Nobody else uses that IP.
Buddy, you might want to check on your router's connections. Just a thought.
P69286 link reply

lol, I'm not behind a NAT.
P69295 link reply
>he doesn't use matrix in a whonix workstation
P69303 link reply
>using matrix even
>encrypt and store everything for later decryption
P69313 link reply
I'm thinking that site was setup by someone just to farm anons' IPs. Rodent did have an IP scraper on whatever site that was back when.
P69315 link reply
>whatever site that was back when.