P78625 link reply
is pizza really legal in UA?
P78946 link reply
P78947 link reply
turns out it became illegal around the time war begun
P78966 link reply
How is this shit even sold despite knowing how serious it is and how it's one of the single largest contributor of obesity in USA?
Corn lobby really is corn lobby.
P78984 link reply
>How is this shit even sold despite knowing how serious it is and how it's one of the single largest contributor of obesity in USA?
people dont become obese bc they hate food retard
P79014 link reply
>is pizza really legal in UA?
No, but пизда is.
P79017 link reply
what is [пизда]

is this thread about [Cheese Pizza] or oily greasy heart attack incducing [food] you eat after getting free pizza hut points by doing their part and getting the latest safe the world vaccine?