P92431 IQ dropped to 98 link reply
Neo-American IQs have droppped to 98. "Sub-100 IQ retard" is now the average.


>More research needs to be conducted to determine why IQ scores are falling across the country, but one expert speculated that a drop in reading and an increase in media entertainment, like YouTube, is at fault.

No, they filled the country with dindus and macaco. If you fill the country via mass-migration with low IQ people, you get your country's IQ lowered over all. Shocking, I know.

[spoiler:Bonus: Solve the puzzle]
P92491 link reply
imagine being so out of touch to think pre 1900s or pre 1990s americans were smart on average. being smart for them meant knowing the phrase "federal offense" or "windfall". they were always dumb and still are, you dont sound much higher on the scale
>Bonus: Solve the puzzle
autism confirmed.
inb4 nooooo u have to solve a puzzle in a tiny stock photo thumbnail that has nothing to do with anything like an ADD retard or else u cant join my autism club
P92503 link reply
>Bonus: Solve the puzzle
[spoiler: Answer number 3. All rows before had one outside triangle, square, and circle, and all combinations of shapes inside and outside have been used before besides the combination pictured in that answer.]
P92504 link reply
These problems are easy to solve if you know to parse the symbols into the separate attributes the test designers intended. Then the patterns are obvious although still underdetermined. Reason to believe IQ is a measure of stupidity. For non-retards RPM test working memory at best.
12of7 P92532 link reply
P92538 link reply
>inb4 nooooo u have to solve a puzzle in a tiny stock photo thumbnail that has nothing to do with anything like an ADD retard or else u cant join my autism club
t. cant solve the puzzle
P92560 link reply
Go back and read some of the letters sent home from even privates in the army that had little schooling and compare those to today's retards. The difference is obvious. The CKFAA used to be 95% White, so it's no wonder. Now it's around 45% (but who can believe their counting anyway?). You couldn't solve the puzzle so I'll give you a pass on not knowing this.

P92580 link reply
iq scores are normalized to have an average of 100 and a standard deviation of 15.
P92614 link reply
>noooo u dumb u didnt solve my puzzle!!!!!111
nobody is buying it when you cant even see a backdoor in ssh that was installed to your machine. when you engage in the main topic of this site which is 99% linux/bsd, you are always wrong. all you will ever have is the fact that you solved some irrelevant puzzle and $guy_you_dont_like didnt
youre the same faggot who goes around saying "95% of the world runs on linux" whenever it is criticized
you cant claim your country is dumb and then use the fact that they use linux as evidence that its well designed
*queue copium reply*
i cant even be bothered to predict it this time
P92658 link reply
>th-the puzzle is j-just irrelevant, it d-doesn't mean anything that you can solve it and i can't... i-i'm not retarded, you're retarded!
P92753 link reply
It should only take you ~10-20 seconds for that one. It's very close to Sudoku.
>when you engage in the main topic of this site ... you are always wrong
Says the one who is almost always wrong.
Vax stations can't save you from your on stupidity.
P92780 link reply
the pic = low IQ

>Vax stations can't save you from your on stupidity.
they actually can tbh yk
P93176 link reply
I just realized we can't use "double-digit IQ" as an insult anymore...
P93186 link reply
>bla bla bla ur dumb cuz u didnt solve muh puzzle
still not looking at it. remember that i cracked most un*x systems without knowing ur little factoids like how to use stty. seethe autists
P93191 link reply
>Cracked most UNIX systems
Evidence required. [spoiler: Your schizo rants do not count as evidence.]
P93244 link reply
>>bla bla bla ur dumb cuz u didnt solve muh puzzle
Still trying to prove to us that the fact that you can't solve it doesn't make you retarded after 6 days of absence makes you seem very upset.
P93245 link reply

im the only handsome man with an iq of 802
P93282 link reply
Can you please explain the Theory of Everything with simple words for us?
[spoiler: BTW what model are you? GPT, AlphaMind, something else?]
P93284 link reply
P93303 link reply
>he counted how many days i havent posted for
>he decided to omit the usual "omg u post so much u have no life" argument [spoiler:(which applies to him but he would still use it if presented with an opportunity)]
>he is upset but calling other people upset
>noooo u cant reply to the post on the front page where a bunch of faggot dweebs left replies to you

it boggles the mind how jd thought he was making any point here
P93308 link reply
>>he counted how many days i havent posted for
Lol, does it take you any effort to calculate 11-5?
Seeing you come back to a thread after days to offer zero new information really does make you seem upset.
P93377 link reply
Coomable picture, please use more decent images or I won't be able to read your posts with clear enough mind.
(NTA you're arguing with)
P93400 HELP?! link reply
>(NTA you're arguing with)

Is the NTA behind a NAT?
Cause all I see is ?
P93404 link reply
>all I see is
DCHP server is down or disabled anon
P93406 sage link reply
P93407 sage + onlyfans backshots + clotshots = sage link reply
>IQs have droppped
clotshots really are clotshots