P9278 Let's start a programming board link reply
Welcome to /prog/. Let's talk about programming if you wish to do so.
P9296 link reply
A board to talk about programming or a board to talk about the software you are programming? In other words, programming language flame wars or /dpt/?
There is a slight but very important difference.
P9320 link reply
I would say either topic is acceptable but perhaps there is more beyond this dichotomy. For example there could be discussion about programming languages but one based on the exploration of ideas rather than one that immediately devolves into a conflicting mesh of uncompromising opinions. And there could be some discussion on what you are working but without doxxing yourself or violating your company's NDA, assuming one is not a NEET. You can also present work you would like to see done but are too lazy or busy or bad at time management to implement yourself. I'm sure there are many other types of things that I cannot think of at this moment that would also be welcome.
P12316 link reply
When in command mode, how may I move the cursor past the last character so that upon entering insert mode, I may continue typing along the same line?
P12324 link reply
P12333 link reply

>When in command mode, how may I move the cursor past the last character so that upon entering insert mode, I may continue typing along the same line?

Consult the documentation of your editor of choice.
P12401 link reply
Nice lisp screenshot. Looks like Conway's game of life?
P12496 link reply
I believe the screenshot is from the popular anime Serial Experiments: Lain.