P11958 /wbg/ Web Browsers General link reply
Thread dedicated to discussing web browsers.

>What browser do you recommended for daily use?
It all depends on your threat model and use case.

For security, use '''Chromium''' as it has better exploit mitigations and more mature sandboxing than Firefox. Note that most Linux distros weaken Chromium's exploit mitigations in their packages so it's probably safer to use '''Thorium''' (https://github.com/Alex313031/Thorium) instead. '''Ungoogled Chromium''' is '''not''' recommended as it's patches degrade security (https://qua3k.github.io/ungoogled/).

For privacy, use '''Mozilla Firefox''' with the arkenfox user.js (https://github.com/arkenfox/user.js). Alternatively, use '''LibreWolf''' which hardens Firefox by default but has slower updates. Note that these browsers cannot make you anonymous as your browser configuration is certainly unique and fingerprintable, nor are they as secure as Chromium. By using Firefox and installing a few extensions you like, you are sacrificing some security for convenience.

For anonymity, use the ''Tor browser''' on the safest level.

>What extensions do you recommend?
It's a good idea not to install any browser extensions since they have privileged access within your browser, require you to trust the developer, weaken site isolation, and make you more fingerprintable. Only install what you need and limit yourself to as few as possible.
uBlock Origin: https://ublockorigin.com/
LibRedirect: https://libredirect.github.io/
Vim Vixen: https://ueokande.github.io/vim-vixen/
Stylus: https://github.com/openstyles/stylus
Dark Background and Light Text: https://github.com/m-khvoinitsky/dark-background-light-text-extension
RSSPreview: https://github.com/aureliendavid/rsspreview

>Browser Comparisons

>General Tips
* Common fingerprinting factors and defenses: http://gpvdip7rd7bdy5gf7scl3rzgzgzckqw4sqxbmy6g3zijfwu4lz3ypbyd.onion/Personal/blogs/http_fp_en.html
* How to disable JIT on your browsers: https://lemmy.eus/post/7660
* You also want to disable/block WebAssembly
* Do not grant websites any permissions and block all new requests asking for access to your microphone, camera, etc.
* Block third-party cookies and clear all cookies, history, and site data on exit
* Block JavaScript by default
* Set your default search to a SearXNG, Whoogle, or LibreX instance that isn't Cloudflared
P11964 link reply
I do love Ungoogled Chromium, fastest startup (compared to Brave and Firefox)
P12011 link reply
>It's a good idea not to install any browser extensions
uBlock and uMatrix are absolutely necessary on normiweb. I don't know how anyone can handle all those blinking windows
P12013 link reply
>blinking windows
Do you mean animated ads? Or something else?
P12043 link reply
Adblocking isn't necessary on normiweb and doesn't add privacy. It is a form of enumerating badness and purely convenience. By using these extensions, disabling JS, and blocking ads and scripts, you are making yourself [bold: stand out] and effectively [bold: reducing] privacy. If you want to effectively prevent tracking (besides using Tor browser), use a VPN, block third-party cookies, and clear all browsing data on exit. Only use browsers which support site isolation (Chromium, Firefox, and most browsers based on those) and data isolation (partitioning of third-party storage).
P12048 link reply
>you are making yourself [bold: stand out] and effectively [bold: reducing] privacy
True if you're browsing with JS disabled. If you're letting everyone execute JS like the average Internet user, then denying that privilege to the admen probably gives less information about yourself than letting them run their spy scripts. What you say about the ad blocking lists being a form of enumerating badness is still true though; not all admen will be on the list. But you can use uBlock and uMatrix as whitelists also.
P12049 link reply
That's what I meant, indeed. It's not a problem I encounter on my PC (thanks to the aforementioned tools), but it drives me crazy whenever I have to use someone else's computer. I feel like it's becoming worse from one year to the other too, but it might just me being less tolerant.

I didn't claim it adds privacy. It is obviously better to disable javascript altogether, but it isn't always an option.
P12051 link reply
The only true way to prevent browser tracking and have privacy on the internet is to use Google Chrome on Windows 11. Do not install any extensions. Do not change any settings.
P12073 link reply
>disable javascript altogether

Then, you will get "please enable javascript" error
P12118 link reply
Hence "but it isn't always an option"
P12306 link reply
>yet another browser autism threads
Do we really need more of these? Can we please discuss something on /tech/ that isn't Tor or a browser?
P12309 link reply
But we do. Why did you feel the need to bump this thread?
P12586 Recommended browsers for general, non-anonymous browsing link reply
[bold: General rules:] only use Chromium browsers and do not install any extensions.

[bold: 1. Microsoft Edge] - It is the only browser for Windows that natively supports hardware isolation as it can utilize Microsoft Defender Application Guard (MDAG)[1]. It also has a hardened security mode[2] which disables JIT among other things. It is not the privacy nightmare that FOSS purists make it out to be as most telemetry can be disabled.
[bold: 2. Google Chrome] - It sets the standard for security and being upstream Chromium, is always the first to receive Security updates. It also uses the new Manifest V3 which restricts capabilities of privileged extensions and will deprecate V2 as extensions like uBlock Origin[3] pose a huge security risk. These changes are good for privacy and security whereas privileged ad blockers are not. You have the power to disable telemetry in Chrome and can monitor the connections it makes using tools like Wireshark. You can also block JavaScript and unblock on a per-site basis.
[bold: 3. Brave] - It comes with many privacy features by default including fingerprinting protection and ad blocking, but it doesn't receive new updates as quickly as Chrome or Edge which means it is less secure. Brave is good for those who do not want to view ads, but Chrome and Edge will always be better for security and privacy.
[bold: 4. Firefox] - It does provide excellent privacy with features like first-party isolation and fingerprinting protection, but it is far less secure than Chromium-based browsers[4] as it's sandboxing, site isolation, and exploit mitigations are outclassed by Chromium's. Firefox does not allow disabling JavaScript except through about:config and blocking/unblocking JavaScript on a per-site basis requires a privileged extension.

[bold: Sources:]
[1] https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/security/threat-protection/microsoft-defender-application-guard/md-app-guard-overview
[2] https://microsoftedge.github.io/edgevr/posts/Introducing-Enhanced-Security-for-Microsoft-Edge/
[3] https://portswigger.net/research/ublock-i-exfiltrate-exploiting-ad-blockers-with-css
[4] https://madaidans-insecurities.github.io/firefox-chromium.html
P12588 link reply
LOL, tech advice from anonymous sources, when you don't already know the answer to your question:

P12756 link reply
P12920 link reply
Tired of being MITMed and phished when you try to connect to the WiFi at coffee shops? Microsoft Edge can help with that! Introducing a new feature that securely MITMs all your traffic through trustworthy Cloudflare.

P17053 link reply
> https://github.com/Alex313031/Thorium
nevah heard of dat fork before...
honestly I would rather use Brave over ungoogled chromium as it has "features" backed in. you would have to install uBlock to disable WebRTC on chromium but brave has option to disable non-proxied-udp or whateva
> LibRedirect: https://libredirect.github.io/
[bold: Dank addon here]
P17056 c00mer link reply
> Vim Vixen: https://ueokande.github.io/vim-vixen/
For me its [bold: Vicky Vixen]!
P17169 https://nitter.net/kobyme link reply
How do I disable WebAssembly in Chrome browsers?
--js-flags="--noexpose_wasm" ???

or does that not work do I have to do all these:

Also and what about these?
[bold: Disable WebGL?]

[bold: Don't send hyperlink auditing pings]

[bold: Don't send HTTP-Referer headers.]

[bold: Disable Cache]

[bold: Aggressive Cache Discard]

[bold: Force low-end device mode when set to increases performance]
P17232 link reply
[bold: chrome =] SeCuRiTy

[bold: firefox =] PrIvAcY
P17241 link reply
so hot just failed nofap
P17244 link reply
P17241 muh, this bloke is way hotter. I failed no fingering fridays.
P17252 link reply
>I failed no fingering fridays.

historical fag fingers his butthole, who whould have thought?
P17256 link reply
[bold: Chrome haz Site Isolation]
> Site Isolation is a security feature in Chrome that offers additional protection against some types of security bugs. It uses Chrome's sandbox to make it harder for untrustworthy websites to access or steal information from your accounts on other websites.

[bold: Chrome Manifest V3] is extremely based though



P22542 Chromium really is SEXure link reply
[bold: God Tier:] Compile your own Chromium from source with all tracking and antifeatures removed
[bold: Top Tier:] Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge
[bold: High Tier:] Brave
[bold: Mid Tier:] Firefox, Tor Browser
[bold: Low Tier:] Pre-compiled Chromium builds (including Ungoogled Chromium), LibreWolf
[bold: Shit Tier:] All other browsers
P22556 link reply
P22542 Actually, Chrome is not that bad you just need extensions to stay private. Firefox takes more RAM.
P22558 link reply
Support Free Speech use ChRoMiuM
P22560 Two link reply
P22558 Chromium and free speech, how is that relatable?
P22566 link reply
Here at Google, we take your free speech very seriously.
P22654 link reply
>Here at Google, we take your free speech very seriously
As long as we approve of what you say
P22688 link reply