P13007 What's your game plan to keep your computer from getting bonked in the WW3 cyberwar? link reply
Backdoors in all your shit, nation states capable of putting billions into knowing just how to do maximal damage to your system, possibility of even reprogramming the bios to fry your chips and ram, all easily dispersed through the world wide web by sending it in waves cracking websites, telecom routers, local ISPs, then computers and cell phones all in the blink of an eye.

Wrapping your computer in tinfoil and updating your antivirus won't do shit if it's connected to the internet of thangz.

P13020 link reply
>What's your game plan
>won't do shit if it's connected to the internet

welp, theres your answer, just airgap that bitch
P13485 link reply
Its called a [bold: Faraday Cage] buddy...
Built and by some before its too late!