P12050 Why don't the NATO militaries defend NATO borders? link reply
I thought that was the military's job, to keep other nations out of their country's territory.

In the USA they stopped defending the borders entirely, and instead ICE was created by a treasonous blackmailed child raping Congress and defunded.

What does the USA military do if they aren't keeping foreign nations from invading and arresting and executing unConstitutional Congresses, Courts, and Presidential cabinets?

Moved from /misc/
P12052 link reply
Let's have all the US citizens take a vote right now on whether or not to dissolve the USA Federal government and revert to state control.
A new Federal government scheme with secure legitimate elections can be created and new Federal agencies with entirely new employees can be created by a Congress of the states in a year or two and the states can take control over all Federal facilities and assets in their jurisdiction.

I vote to dissolve.
P12053 link reply
You see this thing of the webadmin, a Federal law enforcement asset, hiding my posts?

That's illegal under Federal law and everyone in the FBI and DOJ knows it. But the FBI and DOJ are totally corrupt and have been rigging Federal elections to keep only Congress members and presidents that won't repeal the blatantly unConstitutional law of 47 USC 230.

It's proof that the Federal government has become malignant self "electing" cabal and all the Federal law enforcement members since 1996 need to be executed for conspiracy to rig elections through communications obstruction.

I vote to dissolve the USA Federal government and execute every member of Federal law enforcement since 1996 and revoke citizenship for all their descendants and cease all trade and alliances with any country that allows even a single descendant of these corrupt law enforceent to reside in their country.
P12054 link reply
The FBI and DOJ could end the communications obstruction online in a month by suing websites like this one under 47 USC 202 and having the Supreme Court nullify 47 USC 230, which is literally a bill passed by Congress that states in its wording that it abridges Constitutionally protected speech.

End the FBI and hold all their employees criminally accountable for conspiracy to rig elections and revoke citizenship and asset claims for all their descendants going back to 1996.


>whether or not such material is constitutionally protected;

The FBI are criminals, the DOJ are criminals. And they have to be held accountable. They are enemy #1 and have to be hunted down like the enemy agents they are, GLOBALLY.
P12055 link reply
And all their assets controlling various websites, they get the same treatment.

If they're in the country or can be extradited, we execute them and seize all their descendants assets and revoke their citizenship. If they're outside of extradition we send the new military to hunt them down since they are the enemies of the Western nations and as long as they live they are a threat to all White people globally.
P12056 link reply
This never goes away. This is the seed of the new Western governments globally. We kill the enemies of the Western people no matter where they reside in the world and we kill their descendants.
P12057 link reply
And we punish the crimes of the past against the White people.

A whole new law enforcement entity will be created to identify the bloodlines that have harmed the Western people historically, then deploys assassins and military to round up their descendants for execution or sentencing.

To make a just civilization, you have to punish the crimes of the past, even if the original offender has died.