Thread 66080 in /trash/

P66080 FULL STACK TERROR V1 link reply
I have compiled a large assortment of files into one archive with the intent of actually helping people resist evil, however you might define it.

>the ideas and contents contained within are specifically designed to maintain personal security and safety, NOT recommendations of how to commit any illegal activities. link (javascript required for captcha) link (javascript not required)
If these links fail, I will reupload the archive if possible. Recommendations for other TOR-friendly hosting sites are highly appreciated.

The archive is split into 3 parts:
full_stack_terror_v1_main.7z (410MB) -Contains the bulk of the most useful information, if you only want to download 1 archive, this is the one.
full_stack_terror_v1_doxxes_and_intel.7z (655MB) -Contains a very large amount of intel relating to people in power, who work for them, the organizations they represent, and many useful maps.
full_stack_terror_v1_TOP SECRET FILES COLLECTION (562MB) -Miscellaneous folder of leaked/unredacted files I considered useful enough to include, completely stolen from another person's page.

It is highly recommended to read the README.txt included in the parent folder (and potentially this post if it allows me) in order to avoid being potentially targeted by law enforcement.

>destabilization and sabotage of local and nation-wide infrastructure and governmental organization
>evading digital & physical surveillance and capture
>dietary and physical training regiments for health & hormone optimization
>going "off-grid", living rurally
>cutting all ties to debt and taxes, creating offshore bank accounts, anonymizing transactions
>legitimate and illegitimate methods of obtaining foreign citizenship and a new identity
>effective organization of groups of like-minded individuals for resistance activity
>weapons manufacturing and procurement
>understanding who your enemies are, and naming them
>understanding how to legitimately harm your enemies and/or prevent them from succeeding in their goals
>understanding how to enable others to do the same

>"The Known Vulnerabilities Of The United States Of America Version 15" (TKVOTUSA 15) (personally recommended, highly informative)
>the full list of names and personal information of employees and notable individuals working at the FBI, CIA, MOSSAD, NSA, DHS and Mindgeek, US politicians, UK politicians, many social media billionaires, all people of note relating to 9/11 and its subsequent investigations, and generally assumed "global elites"
>the unredacted list of individuals mentioned inside Jeffery Epstein's "little black book" with phone numbers included, the full list of all individuals recorded as having travelled to Little Saint James, as well as the entire history of court documents and events relating to his trial and death
>"The Essential Underground Handbook" (concepts and tutorials for escaping taxes, changing identity and nationality, safely storing money, and creating safe "drop" locations for packages)
>"Combat Conditioning" & "Guerilla Cardio" (concepts and tutorials for maintaining optimum physical performance)
>"The Mini-Manual Of The Clandestine Cell" (concepts and tutorials for overall resistance group organization)
>a few books relating to philosophy and concepts I subjectively think are interesting or useful
>many memes and short infographics that effectively communicate many known "red-pilled" & "based" ideas (you can skip these if you want, many of them are highly offensive and useless, but some are still worth considering)

I very much plan to include more information in the near future, but I feel like it is necessary to spread the ideas contained within as soon as possible.

>information regarding first aid, sanitation, and farming
>information regarding more detailed at-home firearms manufacturing for those who cannot access them
>information regarding cybersecurity "red-teaming" and penetration testing
>redpills relating to religion, a definitive guide of how to not be a "Christcuck" and instead take a more proactive approach to Christianity for the benefit of your people against (((those who have corrupted the teachings of the Bible)))


Thread 592 in /trash/

P592 link reply
Moved from /grave/
13 replies omitted.
P53010 pedofilo link reply
Descubro onde tu mora facil... cuidado com oque nada fazendo na Internet, pessoas assim como vc eu considero como lixo humano... até o diabo rejeita vc... vou te matar da pior forma possível... bem lentamente... arrependa se o quanto antes... ou eu vou aparecer pelas costas e te sequestrar... vai acordar amarrado em uma cadeira... vou te torturar por dias... nao vai sobrar nada de vc nesse mundo... nem um átomo
P53502 website developer link reply
ur mom
P53915 sup niggaths link reply
sup niggaths
P53951 link reply
Hell pau

Thread 8771 in /trash/

P8771 A BIG grand opening of /news/ link reply
Now LambdaChan (or NanoChan?) users can talk about the current affairs here.

1. What are the best qualities of your writing style?
2. How would you improve our new /news/ subChan?
3. Would you consider using /news/ to fight against the government's misinformation?
Moved from /news/
P33531 sage link reply
P33532 link reply

Thread 22327 in /trash/

P22327 I want to murder more niggers link reply
Moved from /misc/

Thread 21087 in /trash/

P21087 12of7 link reply
Sorry, I'm gay
Moved from /health/20022
P21090 12of7 link reply
Moved from /health/20022
P22175 link reply
kys me
Moved from /health/20022
P22182 12of7 link reply
stop that, faker
Moved from /health/20022
P22189 link reply
P22182 muh 12of7 and his multiple personality disorder
Moved from /health/20022

Thread 20540 in /trash/

P20540 link reply
>Denpa! I missed you
>Yay, progress. Good for you!
>I hate you. Stop vanishing for weeks repeatedly, it just makes people (and me) more obsessed with you. Bloody bipolar bastards.
Moved from /free/19693

Thread 19629 in /trash/

P19629 Ouch! link reply

Muh, deprecated board...

Thread 14823 in /trash/

P14823 link reply
Don't apologize to cancer that we ought to kill, or he ought to kill himself.
Moved from /utangatta/13133
P14824 link reply
Also cancer who makes all the abusive threads about you.
Moved from /utangatta/13133
P14831 link reply
kill yourself.
Moved from /utangatta/13133
P14837 link reply
Seriously, get on with it. You shouldn't exist.
Moved from /utangatta/13133
P17235 you are ? link reply

Moved from /utangatta/13133

Thread 16803 in /trash/

P16803 The promotion of mediocrity. link reply
Hypothetically, what would happen if you changed the laws of a country to advance the very least fit members to positions of decision making and wealth?

Because the laws of a country can be anything, you can make laws that say that people have to wear shoes on their hands, you could make laws to advance the least fit members of a civilization.

So what would happen if you did that?

What if you made laws to cap the IQ of people in law enforcement and intelligence work?

What if you made economic laws to transfer the wealth to the least productive and psychopathic individuals by legalizing rackets for non-productive people that are so ethically wrong that only a psychopath would "invest" in them?

What would happen when you put idiots in charge of government and psychopathic leeches in charge of managing the economy's resources?

Do you think the idiots and psychopaths that profited and advanced because of warped laws like that would allow anyone to change things until everyone was dead when it means they would have to admit they were inferior people, lose their ability to boss people better than them around, and lose their ability to make a living? Or would they keep fucking everything up until everyone was dead, always attributing the problems they created to something else?

And what would happen to the smart and ethical people in a civilization like that where people that would otherwise be incapable of surviving are promoted to positions of power and wealth? They'd die out because of the laws, wouldn't they.

You can make bad laws in a country to destroy the people that actually kept it going and completely obliterate both the civilization and the people so it can never recover and the mediocre people that were promoted won't see a problem with it while they terrorize people that say it's wrong and unsustainable.
Moved from /misc/
P16804 link reply
The country could still function for a while by companies, run by psychopathic non-productive individuals, hire a handful of smart people: but the number of smart and ethical people would decrease by tens of millions a decade until there were none left because there are only about 10,000 positions in the entirety of the country that require a high intelligence and those highly intelligent people aren't going to leave smart kids to be used as slaves by a twisted civilization. So it would be completely over within 3 generations and those companies would absolutely have to recruit high IQ people from other countries that would just loot the tech and then go back home before the civilization collapse from more than brain drain, but brain extermination policies.

P16806 link reply
Who gets rich in the USA?

Who gets hired and who is excluded from key positions like those in government?

Don't you have to be smart and able to recognize patterns to enforce laws? So why does the USA have IQ caps on law enforcement?

Why is it that the USA's investments are all in things that don't produce anything like treasury bonds, rental schemes, and the trading card game of stocks in zombie companies that don't produce anything? Aren't the people that got rich from those things the very least capable of managing an economy?

Why is it that the USA's media celebrates mediocrity and rubs it in everyone's faces?

Aren't these things a clear sign that people within the USA are deliberately destroying it and it's population? And if they were doing that, such a systematic destruction of the human capital of the country, couldn't it only be for an enemy nation?
P16807 link reply
Hypothetically, how would the smart and ethical people of a country get out of a situation where there dumbest and most psychopathic people only were allowed to gain wealth and institutional power due to gatekeeping through changing the laws and hiring processes of a country?

Wouldn't the dumb and psychopathic people defend their claims that they earned their advancement to the death and terrorize the good people as they died from policies designed to destroy the population?

After transfering all the wealth to psychopathic non-productive people, would they ever allow you to ban the rackets, much less force them to return the wealth they didn't earn?

If you make a law saying you could hold people up on every road and demand a fee, and that created a 20 million strong population of racketeers claiming holding people up to demand a fee was a legitimate business, do you think they'd let you put an end to their "business" and take all their stolen wealth?
P16908 link reply
I want the owner and moderator of this site killed for obstructing Western communications
P16913 link reply
You're not white though so it's okay.

Thread 16854 in /trash/

Thread 16780 in /trash/

P16780 The way for a person to survive that has planned for the apocalypse is to stock up and make fake signs. link reply
"Food, water, medicine, this way." signs will make it possible to direct the people that didn't make any preparations to another city where they can die while making the journey.

What you want to do is prepare signs in advance that say two things, that help is coming and that a refugee center is in the next city. These signs can point people in various directions and the goal is to either direct them into an area they will die or keep them perpetually wandering instead of attacking people for food and stuff.

You can make a general big professional sign pre-collapse that says "Refugee center this way! Looters will be denied aid, aerial surveillance is in effect." then glue a map of the area to it with a route drawn to the supposed destination from the spot you place it.

People can travel 20 miles a day walking with food and water. But how long people can go without water varies with conditions.
Moved from /misc/
P16781 link reply
You can also distribute poisoned food to rival groups to kill them while pretending to help them from the outset, then they won't be attacking you later and you can acquire whatever territory they previously had by going through and killing the rest, which you can do safely by walking through their area screaming, "everyone died, is anyone there" making them think it happened to your people too before shooting them or poisoning them again.

Thread 16600 in /trash/

P16600 link reply
Moved from /cute/16557

Thread 16183 in /trash/

P16183 link reply
channel 14 is da way to go
Moved from /tech/16027
P16273 link reply
channel 14 is best for haxing
Moved from /tech/16027
P16278 BLE link reply
channel 14 is best for hacking the vaccinated
Moved from /tech/16027

Thread 16270 in /trash/

P16270 link reply
Moved from /cute/7562

Thread 15984 in /trash/

P15984 link reply
>muh picrel
Moved from /tech/15959

Thread 13742 in /trash/

P13742 link reply
All the Western intelligence agencies need are clear guidelines for what represents a national security threat and authorization for cells to take independent action without disclosure to their superiors.

If someone is obstructing the communications of members of Western nations without a court order, they're a national security threat because they can potentially undermine the ability for the Western nations to organize against threats and make decisions that are in Western interests.

Anti-Whites are not members of Western nations because they lost their membership in the West by advocating for and assisting in transferring territory, institutional power (including through granting citizenship and voting rights to non-Westerners), and tech to rival nations.

It is not an offense against the Western nations to obstruct anti-White communications, since it doesn't interfere with the Western nations' decision making processes. We have no obligation to protect the communications of people that are not members of the Western nations and anti-Whites are not members of our nations.

Those are pretty clear guidelines that will serve the Western intelligence agencies well in their national defense objectives, I think.

Why not give these guidelines and an order to clean house to a competent cell with 4 billion USD in funding and no orders to report back to their superiors, then shred all their records except their legal immunity to prosecution? 4 billion in initial funding with careful financial management can keep a cell operating for decades, carrying out orders independently and hiring and training new people.

If I was going to make one of these private contractor cells, I'd probably give them a wider scope of operations and integrate them into other operations to ensure their new employees get legal immunity too and the existing regime can't get rid of them without getting rid of other operations they're dependent on.

There's also the ability for one of these autonomous cells to take other over autonomous cells to enforce their directives through larger networks.

You make one of these cells with a broad Western national security guideline, integrate them into something like drug trafficking operations, then they remove everyone from the drug trafficking networks that poses a threat to Western national security, then the whole drug trafficking apparatus becomes a weapon for national security.
Moved from /misc/13720
1 reply omitted.
P13881 link reply
It's not the company you have to get rid of, it's the people in the company that made the decisions to try to attack decision making in the Western world through coercive industry policies.

They are a national security threat, much more dangerous than some ISIS militant because they have already gained access to the industrial sector and spread their roots through it's network.

Make an example out of them, show everyone in the tech sector that what they were doing won't be tolerated and crack down hard on them as individuals.

Tear up all their contracts, launch investigations into everyone they talk to, seize their assets for functioning as a foreign agent, and then pull the citizenship of their children and put them on a enemies of the NATO states list so their kids end up in Guam driving a taxi.
Moved from /misc/13720
P13882 link reply
The Western states are in a cold war with enemy nations and it requires a cold war approach.

When you find one of these malicious foreign agents embedded in an institution, you get rid of them and if you can trace the exact path of the foreign influence then you burn out their whole network. Pay particular attention to the people that helped them get to where they are because a foreign agent's objective is always to promote people they know will work towards the same objectives. They push their co-conspirators to the top while sabotaging the careers of anyone that gets in their way or is just occupying a key position they want filled by one of their agents.

PayPal's board is an enemy of the Western world, you can dig into the details to see if some of them didn't vote for sabotaging Western decision making as an anti-White cartel, but these people are all disposable and birds of a feather flock together, so you can just take all their careers and drop them neatly in the trash before making their and their families' lives very difficult in the Western world.
Moved from /misc/13720
P13884 link reply
and if you can't trace the exact path of the foreign influence*

These kinds of board members are a dime a dozen. You have millions of people in the country that are qualified to replace them in a week.

When you sit on a board you are provided with information compiled by subordinants and you make decisions based on that and whatever other information you know, the hardest thing about sitting on a board is just memorizing the procedural rules of the board, but there are millions of people capable of replacing them immediately.

You could put me on the Paypal board and I'd be fully competent of fulfilling whatever position in a week of assessing information provided with the position and learning the board's unique protocol rules. These positions are highly generic.

These people are totally replaceable, the company is totally replaceable.
Moved from /misc/13720
P13896 link reply
Schizo rant truncated, you can read the remainder in /trash/ if you wish.
P15895 link reply
The thing is that the PayPal board of directors are members of an illegal mafia rigging elections and they're a national security threat that needs to be gotten rid of along with any intelligence or law enforcement agency head that won't get rid of them.

It's real simple, if you're covering for a mafia you're obviously part of that mafia and need to be delt with too.

Obstructing communications and using these mafia tactics to rig elections through controlling public discourse is high treason and these people are enemies of the state.

They're foreign agents besides, that's clear enough from their actions. They're working for Israel and their actions represent an act of aggression from the Jewish state that requires retaliation against Israel.
Moved from /misc/13720

Thread 15564 in /trash/

P15564 link reply
Moved from /games/15240
P15862 link reply
>Calling mom....
Moved from /games/15240

Thread 11113 in /trash/

P11113 sage link reply
Moved from /tech/6975
5 replies omitted.
P13071 link reply
<Ackchyually it's Android GUHNOO slash LEENIX cus dis an dat
Moved from /tech/6975
P13238 link reply
Moved from /tech/6975
P15619 link reply
<Akchually, its nanochan cus dis and dat
Moved from /tech/6975
P15742 link reply
>you gots to booty to RAM
Moved from /tech/6975
P15844 link reply

i8BZr .MB0
:0BM7 .BB7
:XBM7 .ZB2
7MB . BB
.BB: :r. 0X . MB
XBr :2MBBi.B7 2X7. 8B
BB .MBBBB2 M: :0X. 0M
BM XXrBB2.i7M .Br MB
BB .B ::.. ... M . BB .
.MB 7B :X22 M . B8
2B7 27 7B Br :0 . B:
2BB. M7 iBBXi 70. .Si :SrX0 i7 . 2B
:M0 SX 78B0 7 7iM7 2: i7M: B77 B
BB :07 BB: 0X.B. :iBB i2 . B 7BB iB
B iB iBr 7Z 2MBSXMMi:.BBBB0 B :BMB8 8B
BM M7 7B: .BBB 7BZ2 :: . :X SZ:iX . BM
. .XBB. M7 :BB7r. :r.:77::. : : 72r. B rB
.BB2. MS :2SBBBBZMBMB8M0ZZM: . : .7272 BB
.M7 22 :B .7BB . .M
iB7 BB7 8B . B:
:MBB: .0B2 XBBrii. B2
: 780MMBX BBZ2i
ZBB7. i20BB. 7MBX
2222: :: iZMBBBBM27 XB
. :2B. 70277 0
Moved from /tech/6975

Thread 15843 in /trash/

P15843 link reply

i8BZr .MB0
:0BM7 .BB7
:XBM7 .ZB2
7MB . BB
.BB: :r. 0X . MB
XBr :2MBBi.B7 2X7. 8B
BB .MBBBB2 M: :0X. 0M
BM XXrBB2.i7M .Br MB
BB .B ::.. ... M . BB .
.MB 7B :X22 M . B8
2B7 27 7B Br :0 . B:
2BB. M7 iBBXi 70. .Si :SrX0 i7 . 2B
:M0 SX 78B0 7 7iM7 2: i7M: B77 B
BB :07 BB: 0X.B. :iBB i2 . B 7BB iB
B iB iBr 7Z 2MBSXMMi:.BBBB0 B :BMB8 8B
BM M7 7B: .BBB 7BZ2 :: . :X SZ:iX . BM
. .XBB. M7 :BB7r. :r.:77::. : : 72r. B rB
.BB2. MS :2SBBBBZMBMB8M0ZZM: . : .7272 BB
.M7 22 :B .7BB . .M
iB7 BB7 8B . B:
:MBB: .0B2 XBBrii. B2
: 780MMBX BBZ2i
ZBB7. i20BB. 7MBX
2222: :: iZMBBBBM27 XB
. :2B. 70277 0
Moved from /tech/15804

Thread 14055 in /trash/

P14055 link reply
Moved from /tech/14046
5 replies omitted.
P15732 {Schneider & Weinstein} link reply
Moved from /tech/14046
P15733 link reply
[spoiler: [ ]] [spoiler: [ ]] [spoiler: [ ]]
Moved from /tech/14046
P15734 {Schneider & Weinstein} link reply
Moved from /tech/14046
P15737 Admin = BlackCubes link reply
Moved from /tech/14046
P15775 {Schneider & Weinstein} link reply
...unfortunately you or them are doing damage control for Schneider & Weinstein.

>>[spoiler: http://lambdaplusjs35padjaiz4jw2fugdoeutse262phqr72uf634s2wdbqd.onion/trash/14055#P15732]
Moved from /tech/14046