P66080 FULL STACK TERROR V1 link reply
I have compiled a large assortment of files into one archive with the intent of actually helping people resist evil, however you might define it.

>the ideas and contents contained within are specifically designed to maintain personal security and safety, NOT recommendations of how to commit any illegal activities.

archive.today link (javascript required for captcha)
archive.org link (javascript not required)
If these links fail, I will reupload the archive if possible. Recommendations for other TOR-friendly hosting sites are highly appreciated.

The archive is split into 3 parts:
full_stack_terror_v1_main.7z (410MB) -Contains the bulk of the most useful information, if you only want to download 1 archive, this is the one.
full_stack_terror_v1_doxxes_and_intel.7z (655MB) -Contains a very large amount of intel relating to people in power, who work for them, the organizations they represent, and many useful maps.
full_stack_terror_v1_TOP SECRET FILES COLLECTION PDF.zip (562MB) -Miscellaneous folder of leaked/unredacted files I considered useful enough to include, completely stolen from another person's archive.org page.

It is highly recommended to read the README.txt included in the parent folder (and potentially this post if it allows me) in order to avoid being potentially targeted by law enforcement.

>destabilization and sabotage of local and nation-wide infrastructure and governmental organization
>evading digital & physical surveillance and capture
>dietary and physical training regiments for health & hormone optimization
>going "off-grid", living rurally
>cutting all ties to debt and taxes, creating offshore bank accounts, anonymizing transactions
>legitimate and illegitimate methods of obtaining foreign citizenship and a new identity
>effective organization of groups of like-minded individuals for resistance activity
>weapons manufacturing and procurement
>understanding who your enemies are, and naming them
>understanding how to legitimately harm your enemies and/or prevent them from succeeding in their goals
>understanding how to enable others to do the same

>"The Known Vulnerabilities Of The United States Of America Version 15" (TKVOTUSA 15) (personally recommended, highly informative)
>the full list of names and personal information of employees and notable individuals working at the FBI, CIA, MOSSAD, NSA, DHS and Mindgeek, US politicians, UK politicians, many social media billionaires, all people of note relating to 9/11 and its subsequent investigations, and generally assumed "global elites"
>the unredacted list of individuals mentioned inside Jeffery Epstein's "little black book" with phone numbers included, the full list of all individuals recorded as having travelled to Little Saint James, as well as the entire history of court documents and events relating to his trial and death
>"The Essential Underground Handbook" (concepts and tutorials for escaping taxes, changing identity and nationality, safely storing money, and creating safe "drop" locations for packages)
>"Combat Conditioning" & "Guerilla Cardio" (concepts and tutorials for maintaining optimum physical performance)
>"The Mini-Manual Of The Clandestine Cell" (concepts and tutorials for overall resistance group organization)
>a few books relating to philosophy and concepts I subjectively think are interesting or useful
>many memes and short infographics that effectively communicate many known "red-pilled" & "based" ideas (you can skip these if you want, many of them are highly offensive and useless, but some are still worth considering)

I very much plan to include more information in the near future, but I feel like it is necessary to spread the ideas contained within as soon as possible.

>information regarding first aid, sanitation, and farming
>information regarding more detailed at-home firearms manufacturing for those who cannot access them
>information regarding cybersecurity "red-teaming" and penetration testing
>redpills relating to religion, a definitive guide of how to not be a "Christcuck" and instead take a more proactive approach to Christianity for the benefit of your people against (((those who have corrupted the teachings of the Bible)))
