P12172 All non-Whites in Western countries are illegal enemy combatants. link reply
This includes their children.

Anyone caught harboring or aiding them will be sentenced to death.

The preferred route of removal of the non-White population is through covert poisoning.

I want 20 thousand dead a day in every major city at least one month after operations begin.
Moved from /misc/
P12173 link reply
Wish that became true.

Hard cheese, Biden is an anti-white president (and other ruling elites followed him)
P12175 link reply
Doesn't poisoning non-Whites and the periodic shootout with ZOGbots sound more fun than what you're doing now?

After they're cleared out here, we take their home countries and kill them all there too.

This is what all this anti-White forced invasion leads to. The Jews thought it was in their interests, but they as a group never had a future. They destroyed Christianity for us and at the same time made the most bloodthirsty and ruthless White population to ever exist with enough historical evidence to show that cohabitation of Whites with any other race can never be allowed ever again, in any territory, on any continent, on any planet.

The attempts to stop it and merely retake existing Western territory were thwarted. What comes out of this is going to be like nothing the world has ever seen before, with billions of non-Whites dying from biological weapons and starvation alone.

Every swing back is more pronounced. We can't live in peace on Earth with non-Whites anymore. There is only one non-White nation on Earth I know of that didn't have anyone of their members cheering on our genocide. I hope they survive somehow. I have no way to inform the White population globally which one they were without triggering the other nations into attacking them.

By trying to keep the peace, we only caused the underlying transformation to go further than before, always betting on sane voices in the Western leadership to put a stop to it before it reached this point, but they didn't.

There's no reason to tamp down any more sparks and only prolong the inevitable.
P12177 link reply
I'm really curious what kind of reaction all the anti-White propaganda, policies, and censorship you anti-Whites thought was going to occur.

I'm looking at gore images of non-Whites killed in various ways and I feel no sadness or empathy at all for them anymore. I feel sad when I see road kill, a squirrel or racoon, but I see a non-White dead and I think, "good".

You all really fucked up.

You completely misunderstood the affect your actions were having and ensured all this diversity stuff would end.

You mistook silence manufactured by terror against the Western population and communications obstruction for consent, when actually you were driving people further and further towards strict ethnonationalism.

We're just going to poison you and create biological weapons that target the other races and release them globally.

Enjoy your global genocide.
P12178 link reply
We can never live in peace with non-Whites ever again, anywhere. The mask is off, the non-White's wanted us dead when we gave them entry and carried out terror campaigns and obstructed the communications of Whites. So never again can they be allowed entry of any kind. We have to murder them before they can escape with information about us or our technology, repatriation is off the table, we kill them all here.

Any civilization that allows cohabitation between Whites and non-Whites must be destroyed, and that includes the USA.

Any civilization that provides White technology to non-Whites must be destroyed, and that includes the USA.

If we let any of the non-White nations survive, it will have to be with the total erasure of our technology from their civilization with a systematic destruction of any kind of Western tech in their lands and the destruction of all written or digital records.

I want these globalist people tortured to death under interrogation with their family members. They've been conspiring against the Western people with enemy nations, so their families are not deserving of any empathy whatsoever.
P12179 link reply
Every single country that Klaus Schwab passes through without being executed requires total regime replacement with all their politicians and their families executed.

If his plane so much as crosses your airspace, you have to die for it. There is no excuse for allowing that child raping monster to travel through your territory. Feign ignorance all you want, by letting these people do business in your country you have declared war on the Western people and we have to respond with regime change.
