P12222 European paganism doesn't lack a doctrine link reply


European paganism, with the exception of a few neo-pagan groups, is entirely hereditary.

Meaning, if you aren't the blood descendant of a European pagan, you're not going to learn whatever doctrine their bloodline has.

And this is the traditional way that European paganism, for the most part, has spread from generation to generation. If you have a community, then the most competent elder teaches all the children that are descended from a progenitor of the bloodline, but otherwise it's parent and grandparent to their direct descendants.

Technically, everyone that's White is eligible to learn the oral tradition of Odin on the basis of ancestry and there are dozens of other progenitors from later times whose descendants comprise entire ethnic nations. But worshipping a Middle Eastern deity and terrorizing Whites over it is an offense that makes you ineligible, so that's it, you're never going to really learn European paganism, but your kids can through intermarriage to European pagans.
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