P12409 link reply

Again, thanks. I am not a vegan.

Here is thine flower.
Moved from /misc/12397
P12420 link reply
The TV stations really are TV stations
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P12445 link reply
Just go to the theatre! Check the paper for upcoming shows.
Moved from /misc/12397
P12446 link reply
Newspapers rules, never get tracked when read.
Moved from /misc/12397
P12587 link reply

You're an idiot if you think Federal laws aren't arbitrarily enforced by literal career criminals.

They don't give a shit about the laws or 47 USC 230 would have been nullified in 1996 and all these censoring web admins would have their sites sued into oblivion under 47 USC 202.

They'll target you if they have another reason and that's it.

These aren't real law enforcement agencies, they're just foreign agent mafia using law enforcement agencies they infiltrated as cover for their operations against Americans.

Stop acting like they're real law enforcement, because they definitely and unambigously are not real law enforcement. They're Israeli spies and foreign agents, rigging elections, trafficking children, people, drugs, and weapons, terrorizing Americans, and obstructing communications to genocide White people and make it look like they voted for it, and that's it.
Moved from /misc/12397
P12590 link reply
No Federal laws are legitimate because no legitimate Federal elections have been held, probably since the 1980's, but certainly not since 1996 when they legalized private companies obstructing American's communications.

A half a century with no legitimate Federal government means all these Federal laws are null by the illegitimacy of the government and the lack of legitimate government review.

If some Fed wants to arrest you, then shoot them in the gut and then blow up the FBI field offices so they can't terrorize Americans anymore for a fictional Federal government made out of literal child rapists and Jewish spies.
Moved from /misc/12397
P12591 link reply
And they are child rapists. That's what it means to be in the USA's elite political club, that's why none of them ever get thrown in jail for treason. Every administration just appoints more Jews and child rapists and they tell all their subordinants to stand down against anyone that has dirt on the cabal.

You know Epstein's parties? They fuck childs and people like Epstein dispose of them after. Everyone that goes to those parties can't ever do anything through the legal system to each other and Epstein was not the only one doing it.

Either they raped a kid or they did nothing to stop it and are complicit. Virtually all the Western "elite" have been in a house where they could hear some kid screaming in the other room as they were being raped by politicians, CEOs, etc. and you can bet every agency head in the USA has, which is why they can never, ever, prosecute anyone that attended any of those parties with them.

It's not a conspiracy theory. Epstein's child raping parties are 100% real and they weren't 17 year olds.
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P12592 link reply
If there are Federal law enforcement that want to eliminate the influence of these pedophile groups, then they're going to have to kill them extrajudicially. Nothing they try through the court system will succeed while they are put in charge of law enforcement agencies and, often, courts.

But you can take the lists of Epstein's associates and covertly assassinate all of them. They went to the parties and didn't report it or do anything, then they shouldn't be in control of anything and they need to be taken out of the picture.

And it's the same thing with these foreign agents, you can't deal with them through the court system because they've already infiltrated, but you can pick them off extrajudicially. Identify, covertly assassinate, then the foreign nations they work for will have fewer operatives and less leverage over the Western states' internal affairs.
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P12593 link reply
How many people that attended Epstein's parties do you think reported it and were then assassinated by the FBI over the decades that Epstein was operating?

It's probably hundreds of good people that did and so only the worst psychopathic shit were left to be part of the USA's traitorous cabal.

But you're afraid to murder a few people on a list of a known pedophile pimp blackmailing the USA's leadership?

How are you going to combat foreign agent networks in the USA if you aren't willing to covertly assassinate people yourself? Bring it to court and get your brains blown out before the first hearing? Try to investigate and end up getting murdered by a guy your boss called before your computer and desk files get thrown in a dumpster fire?

Identify, covertly assassinate. That's the only way you get these foreign agents out of Western institutions. You can't solve it through the courts.
Moved from /misc/12397
P12595 link reply
After Epstein was finally exposed, all the people that attended his parties claimed they didn't know in the same way that all the politicians claim they didn't know enemy nations were conspiring to genocide all the Whites in the world using foreign agents.

Do you want liars like that, that will turn a blind eye, in charge of anything? Do you want their psychopathic kids inheriting their wealth to screw over the whole country when they come of age with their own scheme with enemy nations?

Take out the trash and put all these people that pretend they don't know in a fucking dumpster and light it on fire.
Moved from /misc/12397
P12596 link reply
So you know you're always talking about killing their children and stuff, what about having sex with them instead and forgetting about the whole kill them thing
Moved from /misc/12397
P12613 link reply

The answer is obviously "no".

You realize much of the time that's the same thing, right?

Pedophiles either brainwash children into suppressing memories, usually through threats and creating an immense sense of guilt, or they're drugged. They're messed up psychologically for life. Even if they aren't killed afterward, if they're young they get injuries that can kill them later, like their rectum being so ripped up that it closes up with scar tissue.

People don't want to talk about what pedophiles actually do because they don't want to think about it, but if you don't outright say what happens to these kids you're playing into the strategies of people that want to pretend it's harmless. It's not harmless.
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P12636 link reply
Schizo faggot.