P13128 The UN isn't a neutral body. link reply
It's made out of nations and headquartered in countries controlled by globalist terrorists with their own agenda that assassinate and intimidate UN representatives that don't do what they want.

In addition there are clear examples of the UN globalists conspiring against independent nations, like the state of Katanga that UN forces were ordered to genocide the population to hand over the territory to the "Democratic" Republic of the Congo.


When the UN involved itself in Katanga, it did so on the side of the banks and slaughtered the population of the country because Jewish bankers didn't like the owners of the mineral rights. It then handed the territory over to the DRC where it all got sold off cheap.

Involving the UN gave many countries the impression that they could send troops to Katanga and it rapidly turned into a shit show with the Katanga people being wiped out by wave after wave of foreign troops showing up to represent differen parties of the UN.

The UN has an absolutely wretched history of intervention in independence movements, which is no suprise because the UN exists to provide a platform to governments recognized by the UN clique.

The UN is not a government, you shouldn't act like it is and call on it to function as an enforcer of democracy or something like that. When the UN descends on a state, it brings all the conflicts and agendas of its member countries.

Democracies are expressions of national decision making to decide what an already unified group wants to do. They don't work as mediation to disputes at all. If you are disputing a bill, you don't call in all the employees of the company that scammed you and all your friends to take a vote on it, that doesn't resolve the conflict at all.
Moved from /misc/
P13129 link reply
Democracy is not a conflict resolution process.

It's purely a decision making mechanism for an already unified group.

That's why the USA is such a fucking shit show. These globalist fucks keep pushing out propaganda that democracy is a conflict resolution process and we should invite all the nations of the world into our democracy, then we'll have peace.

But democracy is not a conflict resolution process and only functions for your group when you don't include rivals or enemies of any kind.

There are conditions where democracies work, when they are formed by a single national group, and situations where they don't work, when there are rival national groups.

There is a huge debate over this globally because the USA has pushed the corrupted form of multinational democracy that results in catastrophic governmental dysfunction. Democracies are naturally created from unified national groups trying to make decisions, but they are corrupted when rival groups are included. Even ancient Greece discovered this, that the only way for the Athenians to make their governmental system work again was to exile rival groups that had gained access to their democracy, and Athens was just a small city, imagine how disasterous it would be to do that on in a modern country with hundreds of millions of people, oh wait you don't have to, just look at the dumpster fire that is the USA Federal government.

Only national democracies work to represent all the citizens interests and only national democracies function efficiently because there is no sabotage by rival groups.
