P13134 A significant number of the people living in Ukraine are foreign and exert terrorist influence. link reply
I think I remember that Putin cited 30 million Ukrainians being forced to leave the economy that the Ukrainian occupied regime killed by using the government to transfer wealth to foreign landlords, who then shut down the industrial sector with their malicious mismanagement and rackets that drove the cost of labor up.

If an illegitimate regime transfers all the wealth of the country to themselves, forcing the native population to move, then invites in foreign replacements, does the territory now belong to the foreign replacements? Should they vote to decide who the territory belongs to?

Ukraine belongs to the ethnic Ukrainians. They are the only ones that should be voting on what happens to their territory.

But unfortunately under the NATO's pseudo-democratic regimes and government backed terror to break up and suppress national decision making bodies, Ukrainians have no way to come to a collective decision.

In addition, the Ukrainians in diaspora are subject to disinformation campaigns through hostile media.

NATO already had its chance to govern and it decided to genocide the White people in every country they had access to. I think Ukraine is best off in Russian hands and one day when the Ukrainians have the autonomy to vote for themselves, I think they would approve of Russian annexation rather than be part of the NATO empire where all Whites are considered a threat and are genocided through malicious policy.

You see how this multinational democracy model pitched by the lying imperialists shitheads in NATO throws everything into chaos by undermining national democracies with
1. Terrorism, intimidation, harassment by foreign backed groups.
2. Media hoaxes.
3. Transferring citizenship and voting rights to other nations.
4. Forcing the native population into poverty with racketeering schemes and genociding them.
5. Creating economic and military contention that have to be taken into consideration by transfering tech to every camel riding terrorist and low IQ regime.
6. Foreign ownership of a country's assets that forces foreign parties to meddle in other nations' affairs in order to retain the property they almost always stole with monopoly money.

Yeah, ethnic Ukrainians should be voting on what becomes of their territory, but they aren't capable of doing that under the NATO's imperial terror regime and it's not right to just stand by and watch them be genocided by foreign occupiers and a few internal traitors that sold their nation out in exchange for profits from NATO imperial rackets.

Once you start thinking that the NATO version of democracy is real democracy, everything gets fucked up and determining what's right or wrong by a group of people is nearly impossible because there is no way to tell what they want under the boot of a psuedo-democratic regime.

Legitimate democracies are made by nations and they represent the nation's will. You can have protectorated with independent national democracies and they can form defense and trade blocs, but if you undermine the national democracies in the above ways you can't tell what a nation of people want and there is no easy way to resolve it if you have given away citizenship to other groups. But at the same time it's clear that other groups can't stand by and watch people they care about be genocided and they don't need the approval of illegitimate pseudo-democracies to make decisions to intervene.

NATO, get your shit together now, throw out the globalists, throw out the Jews, throw out the racketeers, stop obstructing the Western people's communications, stop using state terror and intimidation against the Western people and covertly assassinate foreign NGO members doing it, or lose it all. What you are doing is not democracy, it's psuedo-democracy and it's genociding the Western people.

NATO countries should have been the ones to remove the Zelenskyy regime of foreign landlording trash and you did nothing until Russia had to step in because they were literally torturing and shooting Donbass so Jewish landlords could buy up all their houses for free with loans from the banks and rent them back to Ukrainians to capture all the GDP of the country, as meager as it is under Jewish ownerships' incompetence.

NATO is just a massive racketeering scam. It doesn't defend the borders, it genocides the people it rules over, and it has no future because all these psychopathic shits they put in charge of everything are incompetent and don't care about the nations they claim to represent.
Moved from /misc/
P13135 link reply
The reality is this imperial pseudo-democracy of the NATO states is dysfunctional, too dysfunctional to persist in any sense.

Russia has a better governance model and seems to genuinely care about its people, even people that were formerly part of previous governmental jurisdictions, even their people living abroad.

As things stand, Russia may take over all the NATO states one by one as they fall from the incompetence of their leadership and the migrations of people their racketeering causes making it impossible to salvage a national democracy without expelling or genociding hundreds of millions of foreign people.

The NATO states thought they could rule over every people in the world by mixing everyone up to break national democracies, using state terror against any opposition, and using communications obstruction and hoaxes to manufacture consent for their deeply incompetent and psychopathic leadership to live the high life as child raping landlords of the world. But clearly these systems of oppression aren't used historically by successful countries for a reason and the ones that pursue them are erased from the world.

Only someone that wants to harm a nation would undermine its national decision making processes, since people with a nation's survival as their objective don't need to use violence, hoaxes, or coercion to convince people of the merits of their objectives in a secured national democracy.
P13141 link reply
The NATO's legal system, the laws that dictate its economy, should be regarded as a weapon to disrupt economies.

Their banking system of fiat currency and fractional reserve banking puts most of the economy into the hands of bankers that have never run a real business and yet their loans determine what gets built, who can own a house, who can buy up all the houses and rent them back at no up front cost to them, and which businesses can survive in a hyperinflationary environment.

Isn't an economic system that puts the entire state's resource distribution in the hands of a few bankers that have never run a business involved with production itself an act of sabotage?

It's not a coincidence that the countries that have adopted USA styles of economic law have suffered from the same genocidal economic maladies.

The laws of an economy determine economic outcomes, they determine who the resources go to. If you make a law to transfer all the wealth to useless people, well then they make all the decisions and your economy turns into a pile of shit like Ukraine's, like the USA's, like England's, etc..

How is buying up all the houses with a loan, at no cost to you, then renting them back through a property management firm a legitimate business venture of any kind? It's literally just the banks transfering wealth from the majority of the population to a totally useless psychopathic population that sees nothing wrong with destroying an entire nation to get rich. But that's what NATO represents, that's the very beating core of NATO and NATO only seeks to expand its influence so these Jews, and they are almost entirely Jews, can buy up all the property for free and rent it back to the population.

NATO will beat down the doors of every country in the world until they let these Jewish landlords into their country and implement USA style financing with interest free loans for Jews. That's worth fighting a world war to stop.
P13146 link reply
Fortunately, you don't have to fight a world war to get rid of it though.

You can just covertly poison Jews globally to remove them and make that a covert national defense operation in every country.

Jew comes into the airport looking around at all the people they can force to pay them and they get poison in their coffee and walk off to get a Jewish interest free loan before dropping dead of a heart attack in the parking lot.

If you can identify the enemy on sight, you can remove them covertly and opportunistically.

If your state has an intelligence agency, they can compile a list of all Jews and send you alerts when one comes through the airport.

Ban foreign ownership and then they have no way to buy up assets in your country to rent them back to you.
P13151 link reply
It is a kind of sabotage to suggest that the Jews should be expelled to Israel so they can regroup and deploy to another country.

Kill them in your country, don't send them to plague another nation or you will end up being invaded by them later as a karmic retribution.

Get your hands dirty, but do it in a smart way, covertly.

Don't even tell the Jews they aren't welcome, but don't say they are welcome and turn your people against you.

Just set up teams to covertly assassinate Jews wherever they show up. Poison, radiation, or just shoot them and make it look like a mugging. A Jew should not last even a year. A year is long enough for them to set up their media operations, their terrorism operations, their blackmail operations, and buy up enough assets in the country with monopoly money to be self funded. So make sure they're dead within a year.

Don't even let a Jew get away with vaccationing in your country or they'll start telling people there they're Jewish, fund a bogus synagogue and take pictures with natives saying Jews have been in your country for centuries to give Israel an excuse to accuse states of Jewish genocide later.
