P13959 Does anyone else like cleanup duty? link reply
There's something so refreshing when you've finished getting rid of corpses and you're in the shower with your clothes in the wash.

If they're old corpses it really is an unpleasant ordeal and it takes at least a day until you feel like the stink has gone away, but doesn't it make you feel good knowing all those rotting bodies are disposed of and no one's going to accidently step in them later and scream in horror?

I always tell people, "if you're going to do this sort of thing you have to try to remember to cut off their clothes". If you can't spend 30 seconds with a pair of scissors cutting the pants and shirt off a fresh corpse, why should I have to spend 20 minutes trying to get clothes off an old corpse with bits of rancid fat and skin flying off into my face?

Cut off the clothes and put them outside on the ground, then picking up their bones later is a breeze. Nothing is worse than a fat corpse spring loaded in a pair of jeans, let me tell you that. It's like stabbing a sausage with a fork except it's full of rancid fat that would make a vulture vommit. Shoes off, clothes off, and leave them on bare ground, please.

But yes, I do enjoy it. There is nothing like lighting the match on a bonfire with a couple dozen corpses stacked up between the wood and pulling off your plastic body suit and tossing it in the flames and feeling the cool rush of fresh air before driving home for a shower.
Moved from /misc/
P13962 link reply
You know that media cliche about people feeling like they can't get the blood completely off their hands is a real psychological phenomenon?

It's especially true with rotten corpses.

After you've been handling a corpse, even if you were wearing gloves, you're going to eat your cheeseburger with a fork for a while because the thought of touching something you put in your mouth with a hand you used to handle something that nasty is too revolting.

3 washes and reasonably there's nothing left, but your instinct tells you they are still dirty.
P13964 link reply
And there are some smells that somehow penetrate though gloves.

That's just a fact.

So maybe there really is a reason why you feel like they're still dirty.