P6356 THE UNDENIABLE TRUTH by Jordan B. Peterson link reply
[spoiler: Reposted from https://8chan.moe/sm/res/11455.html because I found it funni and I'm not sure if it'll be left up there. Posted to /trash/ because I'm so sorry.]

all shotas are just sex objects for big boys, all shotas are small, cute and have bodys perfect carrying around for hours carried as you lift them up and down on your big-boii shota annihilator I heard some shit about how lobsters oftentimes mate with their young to establish dominance or something I wouldn't know I'm too busy having sex with my shota recently the radical woke left on twittard for """allegedly""" hurting a thicc shotas feelings by saying "sorry, thicc shotas are not beautiful" so apparently for staying is undeniable fact I hurt the shotas, cute-boii, oni-chan, sex object, or what ever they call them selfs now you can banned from pixiv.com just for being based now we haves these cum hungry degenerates lusting over thicc tuby shotas what does this say about Western civilization??? now the woke mod is nutting to tuby shota!!!!!!! well we see who comes on who
P6406 link reply